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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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The Story of Clermanthe.
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The Story of Clermanthe.

Her Father was a Duke, by splendid Birth
And Fortune great, since Lord of spacious Earth:
Prov'd Her withal to Cyprus Crown (which we
Shall yet Reserve) for Parts past mean degree:
Life temperate till Thirty's Age out-worn,
Did for Ten years the Marriage-bed adorn:
Was Noble-minded thought, as nobly Train'd;
Soon afterwards to Private Lust enchaind.
Nor that so Stoln, as unsuspected neither,
Whence alter'd seem'd, more Weak; like dancing Feather
Rul'd and o'repowr'd by wanton Female's Blast:
Did Charm'd appear, Transported so at last:
Who Crost him ought that way might Thunder move,
Deep Hatred raise from strongest former Love;
Verdorus call'd. Her Mother was the Niece
To th' great Corinthian Queen, might challenge Greece
So Good and fair, Gems seldome found in One;
Fit Mother for Clermanthe's Self alone.
Eugene nam'd; whose Beauty's wrong'd in part
By Ten years time, tho flourish'd well (his Heart
Dispos'd withal for Change) Verdorus kept
Lov'd Concubine, which Meals did take and Slept
Under's own Roof; by Match far off Ally'd;
Gondace call'd, for Wanton way comply'd:
Th' House-Governess, if so mean-stiled be,
(Plac'd at same Bord) Eugene's Deputy.
Choice, handsom Form she had, but Foul within
As that shew'd Lovely, Fair; Wise for all Sin,
Bad thoughts, Exploits, for Deadly Practise too;
Where Spite Ambition's cause could Murther do;
Prime Boldness, Garb; Enchantment-Spells (as 'twere)
Her Looks display'd, joyn'd Graceful Carriage there:
Ingenious, last; Smooth-tongu'd with Haughty Spirit;
Could Goodness Feign, tho voyd of Virtuous merit.
This Minion, Pearl, afraid Wife's dear Relation,
Desert conjoyn'd, with pow'rful Friends perswasion.
Might cause her Self to be Discharg'd; Estrange
Her great, Fond Paramour; most loathsom Change;
Plump Fortune shrunk to Want, High Dreams beside,
What Glory, Wealth if she could prove his Bride;


Wife to the Duke: or Govern all howere
In Wifely Room, were not Eugene there:
She was resolv'd, when Sick Distemper found,
To Poyson her; close, Advantageous Ground.
As for Eugene's Thoughts, less Jealous head,
Soft, gentle Heart, but small Disturbance bred
(Those Actions for Two Years to Her unknown)
Kind Favors spake Ally's regard alone.
Son also had brought forth Eugene's womb,
One Daughter more couch'd in their Slumb'ring Tomb.
That Season past, by Fit of Sickness when
The Duchess seiz'd, that Vile Gondace then
For Poysonous Feat prepar'd; but Night before
Through Feaver Dead: well pleas'd th' Ambitious Whore:
Thought Friendly Fates therein with Her Conspir'd.
Twelve Years Clermanthe's Age; then Flow'r admir'd:
Some Thirty two Gondace's Self, tho seem'd
By View not Twenty four, fresh Coin esteem'd,
And tho faln short of her main Mark, the Seizing
Wife's gallant Style (that looser Way then pleasing
The Duke's depraved Tast) she's Mistress grown;
Doth Planet-like that Sphear command alone.
The Servants all Fear'd, Flatter'd strangely now,
Run, fly like Purchas'd Slaves, most humbly Bow.
Nor question'd least what was his Lordship's Will,
Her Nod does check, Command, and her Frown still
Cashiering Doom appear'd: his Treasure lyes
Open as Day for her Vain Masqueries,
Pomp, gaudy Furnitures; whose Golden Tide
She seem'd to Rule; could Draw from thence beside:
Choice future Hord, enlarge her Private Store;
As seiz'd his Heart, that Rifled long before.
Which ways (her Female World enjoy'd, Resign'd,)
The Duke observed not; Transported Mind.
Son too she had Sixteen Years old, kept there;
Her Forward Self that, scarce Sixteen, did Bear.
Tall Man-like Branch, much Handsom Person fram'd;
For Carriage, Garb compleat, Brisoldan nam'd:
Own'd her strong, Natural, Ingenious Head,
As baser Heart; with Council-Milk so Fed,
He thriv'd like Hopeful Youth, to her Desire,
For bad Exploits; lov'd t'over-reach, Aspire:


Much Favour'd (last) Rang'd at the Duke's own Table.
This Spark to make more mounting, Great (if able)
She Rouz'd her Thoughts, strange Plot resolv'd upon;
Clermanthe th' Heyr his Wife must prove alone.
Thus spent no Day, wherein her Female Art
Play'd not some Forged Scean, bold Stage-like part
On Young Clermanthe's weakness. First, she Aws
With her new Greatness, State; thereby to cause
More Reverent thoughts of her (forsooth) Esteem;
So, valu'd High (joyn'd Choice regard) might seem
Following Kindnesses; then, more Descended,
Showr'd gentle Favours oft, with Love attended:
Such Birdlime us'd. Call'd forth to th' Garden, Grot,
Walk'd, chats with her; then, as Grand Height forgot,
Familiar grown, the Wanton Wag she plays;
Toy'd there sometimes, conceiv'd no meaner Grace.
Then, Gifts for Baits; no tempting Knack, Device,
If well could draw Clermanthe's Younger Eyes,
Too Costly thought: brave Cloaths conjoyn'd, the Father
Free in th' Extream, to please, content the rather
Gondace's Mood: fine shews and Masquing sports;
Which Way withal Brisoldan choicely Courts,
Chief Revel-master there; so Forward Brain:
How Active when she wanted ought, does strain
Ere fully Spoke, exprest, as in that Ayr
Of her Commands did Breath; then (soft Love-prayr)
Small Sigh was dropt for Cloze: Thus, having won
(First) Love her Self, she thought th' Observant Son
Kind Liking, next; She might Advance the better
To th' main Exploit, Fernanthe grown her Debtor:
Since deep-implanted Love betrays the Mind
To baser Motions oft, struck Fondly blind.
Five Months dissolv'd, to th' Garden, summer-bower
Gondace walk'd, where known (withdrawn that Hour)
Clermanthe was; and after Grave salute,
To which more solemn Gloomy Smile did sute;
Set down by Her, with Crafty Brain as bold,
She thus began. Madam, I must unfold
My hopeful Son's Misfortune, Change, whatere,
Who may like th' early Blasted Bud appear.
Hence proves the Cause; 'tis so, Love's wounding Dart
Transpierced hath (Unarm'd) his Tender Heart;


Thrown from your Eye, which foul Effect displays,
Long Watchful Nights, and sad, complaining Days.
Good, Gentle Youth! you may be Informed still
More Glory 'tis to save by far, then Kill.
My Self withal that choicely valu'd Son
Should owe like Debt to You, ere Lost, undon.
'Tis for grand Cause, the Light of my own Eye
And your true Servant, next, sworn Votary
That thus I Plead, Perswade, Things proving so,
Fair Innocence should not foul Murth'ress shew.
Nor move I strange, Injurious Thing, that jars
With Friendship ought; tho from th' unkinder Stars
Small Turfy ground Enjoy'd, He's Rich within;
Whose Breast appears Young Virtue-magazin
For Person, Parts by None whatere Excell'd;
If Mothers do not Doat, Prime Piece beheld.
Nature (well Task'd) not Playd at all when made him;
And my Alliance weigh'd, let none Degrade him
From Nobleness, if that Transcendent Mind
Stile him not so: for Wealthy Lands combin'd,
You'l have Estate for Both; let sordid Moals
Dig still beneath, to Brave and Virtuous Souls
All's in that Term, Enough: besides 'twill prove
Obliging Grant, ingage to stronger Love.
For Titles, last, no Doubt conceived there,
My Son in Wedlock ty'd to th' lawful Heyr,
Shall strait great Lord become, advanced Head;
Styl'd Duke in th' End, Your Father being Dead.
Clermanthe, first this Motion entertain'd
With Wonder's Glance, then dainty'st Blushes stain'd
As tho she would that Silent way upbraid
Gondace's setled Cheeks, since none display'd.
Rouz'd strait her Reason's strength, tho Young descry'd
Unworthy Plot with fairer Gloss, outside,
Prime-varnish'd ore; Covetousness conceiv'd,
Ambition's threads that Garment, tho Weav'd
With Silken Love. Nor was by Friendly Bond
Oblig'd so far, as to be Strain'd beyond
Her Sober Self, fit Honour's Bounds; altho
Directly 'gainst the Stream she dar'd not go,
Thought Soothing best a while, since Match'd orehard;
High Spirit saw, joyn'd Father's Fond Regard.


These Modest words for Answer fram'd alone;
She no such Beauty's Stock could Challenge, own;
Nor well conceive such Amorous Passion sorted
With her Son's tender Years; Those rather Courted
Pleasures, Pastimes, were Strangers found to Love:
Thus, Suckled Hope; whatere the Lord might prove.
Forth strait they Went to Gallant Water-grot,
Conjoyned Grove, Gondace's Order'd Plot;
Fine Summer-house, with Trees encompass'd round;
Space left for Walk; where on the Shaded ground
(Choice Turf withal) carv'd Fountains store beheld,
In Circle rang'd, whose Curious Art excell'd.
Six 'bout the Room, shewn Dancing Streams from far,
(Joyn'd Murmur's noise) like Watry Theatre
That Room it self with costly Marble shin'd,
Pictures, Rock-work, for pleasant Bow'r design'd.
Being set, repos'd; Prime Musick-strains in Parts
(Brisoldan joyn'd, not wanting for those Arts)
Flow'd sweetly round like Streams in one full Tide
Or th' Ears Perfume, to th' Lady's sense did glide:
For Storms (as 'twere) good pleasing Lullaby;
The Soul's prime Minion thought, since Harmony
Makes up th' Amired Soul: how cordial Passion
Those can present, Tune forth in various fashion:
Now Joy, then sad Complaint; as also prove
Kind Melting Sounds, more Soften th' Heart for Love:
To th' curious Hands conjoyned (last) Voice-quire,
Whose Language, Words more Raise, advance Desire.



Two Voices.

What's choice Beauty bar'd from Love?

Dainty'st Meats and Drinks vain prove.

Two Other.

Whilst kept Withdrawn, untasted:

Those Treasures small Felicity
Give th' Owner till Enjoy'd they be;
In Handsom Time, well wasted.



Chorus of Six.

Rainbow-Clowds, for Show appear
Your Red amd white; 'Tis Man's fruition
Makes substantial Comforts there:
Best Conjoyn'd seems your Condition;
So y'are most Your Selves, whenere.


Whilst Youth, Beauty crown thy brow,

Two Voyces.

Gems Combin'd;
Ripened Fruit for Tast design'd,
Rot not on the Summer's bough.
Autumn-Blasts will scatter all

Two other.

Your Pride, well mounted Glory;
Those to Earth despised fall,
When You too late are Sorry.

Chorus of Six.

Froward Coyness then restrain
Wisest way, since Harsh Disdain
Few Commend;
Reap Beauty's end, reap Beauty's end;
Those choice Delights, which else you nere Attain.
Next walking forth, there Warbled through the Grove
Clear, lively Cornets which for Conquest strove,
'Mongst Boughs aloft; first One heard Single sounding,
Another then, Former's lost Noats rebounding,
Like mirthful Eccho's Play, did Flourish o're
Short, ending Strain; to that conjoyned more:
Third, Fourth succeed, still Answer'd round by Course;
Lodg'd circular, till from some Place (perforce)
Nymph Eccho rais'd, turn'd Wanton Pratler there.
Then joyn'd their Noise, as meant the Grove to tear
With pow'rful piercing Blast, and Fright those small
Plumed Inhabitants (rare-voic'd withal)
Through their Green branched Cabins. These for Cloze,
Seem'd swallow'd by Recorders Sound, with those
Strong, larger Throats, Sackbots and Shalms, unview'd:
When Wood-Nymphs came, by Satyrs strait pursu'd,


From Shaded part, (feign'd wild-bred Silvan Lovers)
Shew'd Antick Dance: the Girls with Leaf-wrought Covers
Bedrest and Flow'rs; their Men like Goatish kind,
Skins Hairy wore, small Horns and Hoofs design'd
Pipes held in sport, Nymphs Hunting Darts aloft:
What Wanton Postures there; fond Kisses oft:
Strange freaks beheld: whilst, Shrouded close on high,
Their Musick seem'd Celestial Waits o'th' Sky.
These Courting ways Brisoldan pay'd (whenere)
His prime Observances, Love-duties there
(Dissembled tho) as Vital Pow'rs were lent
For that Regard: would Verses too Present
(For Parts, ingenious Brain well furnish'd, stor'd,
As those Young Years could probably afford)
By th' Mothers hand, Ambassadress compleat:
Nay, Chamber kept, at last, Love-qualms so great;
Befool'd his Night-cap, Health; whilst former Road,
Kind Favours still, the proud Gondace trod.
And when sometimes her Lover's Charge renew'd,
Clermanthe, falling back, would thus Delude,
Fence gentler way: Her Son's approv'd Desert
Not question'd was, but Light, inconstant Heart
That doubtful Age, those younger Years; her One
Does Plead withal, yet Fancy's Pow'r not known,
What Choice to make; these further Thoughts unfold,
Her Father's Frown, at last: when strait the Bold
Gondace Smil'd, with careless Glance reply'd:
Were They but once confirm'd by Vows, and Ty'd
Marriage-time come, when fit to make Relation,
Discovery; her Pow'rful, short Perswasion,
Fernanthe's Planted Love, Son great in Favour,
Should eas'ly draw the Duke: yet seem'd to Waver
The Lady's thoughts, Conjoyned grounds of Fear;
Some gentle Change, event still Hop'd for there.
Thus held they on their Ling'ring Siege (grand Prize)
Till Time Four Years near Progress'd through the Skies.
During that while, Brisoldan play'd so long
Love's fonder Part, Tormenting, last, more Strong
Those Amorous thoughts, Desires grown Elder now,
Near Twenty's Age; the choice Clermanthe's Brow
Love's Royal Throne, as 'twere, transcendent Beauty;
Drest round with Darts and Flames, commanding Duty;


Tall Person, nigh Sixteen advanc'd in some,
Perfection shew'd, all Ravishment become:
That he had Qualms sustain'd, True, sober Fires;
Tho swel'd with Love Ambition's vast Desires;
Saw brave Estate, was there Enamoured,
Honor conjoyn'd; prov'd Duke her Father dead:
Some Lord before. Proud, haughty Soul did own,
False, Treacherous; great Parts corrupted grown
On Vice did wait, Base Ends far more than other,
Ingenious, Bad betimes, like th' Harmful Mother.
Who still could Hope; with Fondest Thoughts survay'd
His Person, Parts; Fine gallant Garb Display'd:
Court-gem conceiv'd; such Things might do the Feat;
Clermanthe at length Enjoy'd, tho Fair and Great.
Large Mantinea then Proclaim'd in State,
With Publick Shows, their New, chief Magistrate;
Prime Town some eight Miles off, where born along
Choice Pageants were, through Vulgar, gazing Throng.
But that Clermanthe had beheld before,
'Twas Yearly done, so Disregarded more.
Next gaudy Day, with various Pomp to th' Eye,
Embassadour from Egypt-land passed by:
His Lady afterward, when Wives they brought
(Left Space howere) Show more Triumphant thought.
Then Publick Entrance made, Strange People seem'd;
Large Tawney Train; beyond first Sight esteem'd:
Tho clearer Tawny, better Fac'd by far
(Less Southern Clime) than True Moroccos are.
These to behold Clermanthe was inclin'd
(Tho seldom saw that Town, more closely Shin'd)
Gondace too conform'd, Brisoldan waited;
Set tho are in large, Long-window'd Room, dear-rated.
Th' whole Room not Free, left to themselves, howere,
Places by Others first Bespoken there.
A great Young Lord by chance was there before;
Soon after Second came, trod selfsame Floor,
Took th' other side; i'th' Midst Clermanthe sat:
Who scarce Regarding Them, well pleas'd with that
Her Window shew'd; on Her they Fondly Gaz'd
Transported way, such Beauteous Form, Amaz'd.
Strait Marked by Brisoldan's Jealous Glance;
Fortune did both for Rank, Estate advance.


Known Lords to him by Name; turn'd watchfull Scout,
He Steals near man to th' Last, bad Rival-doubt;
Lean'd Slily there as tho the Street beheld,
Heard speak to's Friend; She's Rare, unparallel'd:
His Page sent down from th' Servants told below
Whose Coach, what Lady brought: Resolv'd did shew
For Suitor thus; Her Father known in part:
Stung through the Ear Brisoldan's gauled Heart.
Slunk then to th' Formost Lord (like Stranger howere)
Stood sneaking by, as Glanc'd through Window there:
Face cover'd tho with Handkerchief, unseen,
Wiping his Nose, as pass'd those Lords between:
Heard him no less her Beauty's Praise admire;
Boy charge withal o'th' Coach-man to enquire
Whose Daughter 'twas; inform'd thereof, Relation,
Strait to 's Comrade us'd strongest Protestation,
He would her Servant be: Both Gaz'd again,
Till view'd each other Both with Heart's Disdain.
Last-ent'ring Lord did monstruous Doubts discover,
That Formost would (whom nam'd) prove Rival-lover.
Brisoldan thus now Hot, then Cold appear'd,
Like diff'rent Climes, as burn'd with Rage, or Fear'd:
Since Those he thought, the substance might Enjoy
(His Part the Shade) long, Hopeful Dream destroy.
Then came the Show; scarce pleas'd Brisoldan's Sense:
Chief Sight to th' Lords Clermanthe's Excellence.
Others fair Eyes, with Her's being look'd upon,
Like Window's Glass conceiv'd to th' Diamon.
Th' Ambassadour was Pompous way beheld
In Chariot drawn; for Glist'ring Robes excell'd:
Shew'd Tauney Cheek; Twelve Moors, coal-black to th' Eye
(Strange Garb) on foot; Gay, mounted Boys led by
Fine Horses cloath'd: Twelve Servants rode before
With colour'd Darts, short, Gaudy'st Garments wore:
Three view'd as formost Rank, loud Trumpets bearing
On either side the King's tall Guard appearing.
Then follow'd strait, for State, Two Coaches more,
Six Horses each, Arcadian Coaches store.
His Lady, last, in Gorgeous Chariot shin'd
(Good Space between) Two Handmaids sate combin'd
Beneath her feet; Eight Tauney Youths attended:
Spruce Pages hors'd; Coach follow'd all; so ended.


This done, perform'd, Clermanthe Rose, pass'd by;
Such Light'ning-stream conceiv'd to th' Gazers eye;
As walk'd along, Lords joyntly Bow'd, which She
In modest, Sob'rer way return'd, less Free;
On each small Glance: Brisoldan forc'd to Low'r,
Whilst Usher'd down prime Grecian Star that hour.
Returning Home, he told Gondace all,
Which rais'd no less her Spleen, ambitious gall;
That those great Lords, should thus Delude in th' end:
Hope not yet Dead, each Brain does now Contend
To stop their Course, Love bear'd on either side
Brisoldan (last) for th' Actor's Task comply'd.
Thus order'd 'twas: He when next Morn display'd,
To Mantinea Rode; bought ready-made
Spruce Cloaths Gentile, false Hair, with Youngest Beard,
Black Patches strait to th' Front and Cheek prefer'd
For Souldiers Scars; grown Tall, of Man-like frame;
To that Last-enter'd Lord most boldly came
Where Lodger prov'd: with Forged Craft assayl'd;
Whose Haughty Mind, (since Duels fought, prevail'd)
Soon Fired was, conceiv'd; great former Brawl
'Twixt him and th' other Lord, Swords Drawn withal:
Still fester'd Grudg: So Valliant, Stout (whatere)
That Formost Lord, unus'd Affronts to Bear.
After Salute; he said, That he was known
To th' other Lord, tho well Acquainted grown
With this Lord's Worth, by Fame; Transcendent, high;
Told him; That Lord, come from the Show (base lie)
With's glass of Wine pronounc'd in Vaunting fashion,
He saw Clermanthe there; Grand Admiration!
Would Suitor prove: This Lord (said) did no less
By Looks and Words (which Page oreheard) express:
But he could Spoyl his Game; to th' Duke would Write,
He kept his Whore, Diseas'd through that Delight;
Drunk oft withal (so, Daub'd his Nobler parts)
If met would Slash him there for's Love-deserts.
Was crost, oresway'd, or else in former Jar
He had well mark'd his Flesh, like Man of War:
Another by, who Smil'd at all in Sport;
Then drank Clermanthe's Health in Ranting Sort.
Brag'd, that he had her first Salute that day
First Glance (conjoyn'd) Farewel, when walk'd away,


Brisoldan said; tho he conceiv'd, as then,
He scarce would Write (proud Rival's Tongue, bold Pen
Bad Trusting tho, howere (yet for th' Abuse,
'Twas foul and Base; did Loathsom thoughts produce.
Tho wish'd well to that Lord, yet He much more
True Honour Lov'd; Disclos'd it on that Score.
His Lordship now might best Discretion use
For Noble grounds, Prevent, or Season loose.
The Lord's Enrag'd; each younger Lover found
(Where Spirit bred) Hot, Credulous compound:
Kept lately his Whore, indeed; last month Diseas'd
(Brisoldan so heard from Comrades, well pleas'd
Since serv'd his Turn) could Drink Carousing part;
Yet this foul, strange Affront did Stab to th' Heart;
Some things tho True: conjoyn'd their former Jar
Like Fester'd Wound, more Gal'd withal by far:
Those Terms on that: base Rival-threats, at last,
If at the Duke's should meet; no Point orepass'd:
Two Others there. Brisoldan shew'd that while
Of Honest Stamp, Parts, Person, Garb Gentile.
Thus, Thanks return'd, he vow'd straitways his Page
Should Challenge bear, with Rival's storming Rage.
Brisoldan's glad; conjoyn'd; Were it not Best
To talk, Confer? since what that Lord exprest
He may Recant; for th' Suitor's Game, howere,
Your Lordship's Cards as Hopeful, Good appear.
No, that's in vain; Blood drawn, (the Lord reply'd)
Disarm'd at least Clermanthe's more my Bride.
Th' Hour, Place, in Fuming Mood, told thereupon;
Five th' Afternoon: forth false Brisoldan's gon.
Pen, Paper brought, this angry Stream did flow,
For Challenge meant; Time, Place set down below

The Challenge.

Sir, stead of Lord, take these in shortest way;
Your Saucy, foul Affronts orepass'd, I say,
Strong Ground enough for Challenge this shall prove,
Presumpteous Thoughts to Court Clermanthe's Love:
If that Disclaim'd; then I shall Draw howere
For th' Praisant part in Words, Chastise you there.
Meet me if you dare, by Five, &c.


Swel'd th' other Lord; nor much those Points admir'd;
Since fondest Looks did speak what Both Desir'd,
That day before; Suitor's Resolve might fall
From Servant Friend by chance, oreheard withal;
Th' Affronts there nam'd last Quarrel seem'd indeed;
Nor would be Dar'd from Love; to meet agreed.
Brisoldan was with Doning Food well pleas'd,
Since Hopeful Thoughts Both might by Fate be seiz'd;
Dead Pair perchance; or grant, but One should Die,
Clermanthe would that Killers Tongue Deny:
If Both escap'd Wounds may Love-suit defer
Some Mischeif claw'd Brisoldan's Heart howere.
When Twelve was past, he rode to th' Meeting-place;
Cops branched Shade conceal'd Dissembling Face,
False Treacherous Brest; th' Horse, Man oreclouded so;
Those Lords well match'd Appear'd, might equal shew,
Skill, Valour, Strength, on each their Page attended
High Wrath, Disdain Words Talking quickly ended
The Fight began; Both first and second Pass
Deep-wounded were, their Flesh no Steel, nor Brass.
Much wasted prov'd those Crimson Streams of Life:
When Third Assault, resolv'd to close the Strife;
That Lord, term'd Challenger (Each changing ground)
Advancing made most furious Thrust, large Wound;
The same receiv'd; Both plentifully Bled,
Grapling withal, First Lord fell down as Dead,
Th' Other aloft; soon Rouled tho o'th' side
Stretch'd Conquerour: small Joy Triumphant pride.
When both did Cloze, Youth from next Hill descended,
On gallop came; Six more well arm'd attended;
Whose Voyces loudly exclaim'd from far, Hold, Hold:
But came too late, both Bleeding on the Mold.
Young man Dismounted streight, falls on his Brest
Who fell beneath; sad Voice conjoyn'd exprest.
With Sighs and Tears: his Body clasped round,
Some fonder Brother thought, most strange Compound
Of Sorrow shew'd; the lordlike Corps appearing,
(Sense vanish'd, gone,) his Hair most wildly tearing;
Off came the False: True Womans Hair instead
Flow'd largely down (Plaits broken) from that Head.
Young Lady 'twas, of Beauteous Personage,
To whom that Lord himself did far Ingage.


By former Vow; now second Choice advanc'd;
Small Marvail tho, since on Fernanthe glanc'd,
That Wonder saw, chief Mistriss stil'd, Supream.
That Lady by some Page (sad Fear extream)
Told their Resolve, (what Quarrel's cause unknown)
Went cloath'd Man-like to th' Magistrate alone;
Had Order streight to stop them Both, surprize,
But came so late, that Death before her eyes
Seemed first to Grasp, detain'd as Prisoners there:
So Arraigning them, Sense, motion found, howe're,
Good signs of Life; to Mantinea then
Both carry'd are, Restor'd by skilful'st Men:
That Lady too her Lord enjoy'd; Frustrated
Th' other Lord's Suit, for cause anon Related.
Brisoldan with Gondace pleas'd th' Event
Since thought them Dead; vain Art's Experiment.
She then Resolv'd on last Assault, by Storm;
Madam (began) four years, I may inform
My Son and Self has waited for kind Grant:
You cannot now (this Age) be Ignorant.
Of your own Brest, what choice your Fancy pleases;
Brisoldan's Tall, to Manlike Frame encreases;
Shewn Excellence for Body's part and Mind,
And as the Sun still constant Servant shin'd.
To th' Globe beneath, proves (last) most faithful Lover:
Pray, now your Thoughts for clearest view discover.
Clermanthe when, with sob'rest, radiant Eyes,
Good, gentle voice (shunn'd Scornful part) replys.
Brisoldan may with far more ease, success
Seek other's Grant for Wedlock's Happiness.
I feel my Heart no way to Love dispos'd;
And when shall change, least Marriage-thought disclos'd.
Should Poise things well for that so prime Relation;
Conjoyn'd with all my Father's Approbation.
Such Looks and Words, shewn plain Refusing there,
Gondace now might Raise their Siege, Forbear.
Thus had she Time, much Care with thoughtful Brain
Still fondly Sow'd, th' expected Crop to gain;
Tho Reap'd but empty Wind, at last: She saw
Clermanthe now grown Tall, past Girlish Awe
Woman become: four years produc'd and bred
Much Wisdom too: Hope fail'd, like Vapor fled.


For then the Lady's thoughts did more despise
That meaner Choice, Gondace's self, whose Prize
Her Father made; his Wench long time concluded:
Next, Mother wrong'd; the Daughter (last) Deluded.
Tho, pow'r too weak, shew'd Carriage fair discreet;
Prov'd much Reserv'd, withdrawn as fear'd to meet
Fresh Love-assaults: Gondace therefore now
Turn'd off, dispair'd with angry Female-Brow.
Destructive Heart. Tho monstrous Aggravation
Swell'd, hightned all, that Scornful Indignation
Should she Oretop, or Clash, with her contend;
Yet Regent there, her Father at Boards-end:
Thought Loathsom, Rack: Thus, She's resolv'd for trying
Sure Fatal ways; Clermanthe's shortly Dying.
Then could she advance, Ingraft withall her Son
To the Duke Verdorus's Heart, no Marvel don;
Plant him for the Heir; That Man who best might claim,
Since nearer far Ally'd to th' Duke became.
(Wife's Nephew 'twas) Conceiv'd, in Travel Drown'd
(None left of Blood) or Dead on Persian Ground.
Nor Spleen so well conceal'd but it appear'd;
Flashings whereof Clermanthe saw, and Fear'd.
Two Weeks dissolv'd, Clermanthe's Breast and Head
Through Sorrow pain'd; joyn'd watchful hours in Bed;
Broth was bespoke: Asking the Girl, (when espy'd)
Whose making 'twas; The old Nurse, she strait reply'd;
Gondace there withal: bad, Jealous Qualm
Disturb'd her Heart; Door lock'd, she gave the same
(Great Part) to little Dog, who Pinning lies
Some smaller while, then Rouled, gasps, and Dyes.
Death Honour'd found his Lady's Taster there,
Then Life's Reprieve; her Mortal pangs did bear.
This view'd, beheld, strange Horrors seiz'd, possest
Her fainting Powers, sad, Storm-distemper'd Brest;
Such wickedness in th' World should be disclos'd,
Nay Woman-kind; her self withal Expos'd.
To that grand danger Death: like Glass was seen
In that poor Dog what She should there have been,
Sighs for whose Funeral, belov'd of late,
More for her Fears conjoyn'd, perplext Estate.
Laid on the Bed she Rose, then Walk'd about;
Life's Sickly Lamp seem'd near to going out.


Death's dreadful Masque, Ghosts, Sables Winding-shrouds
(For Musick Knells and Groans) her Fancy o're-clouds.
Through sad conceit like Graves that under Floor,
Since durst not speak (tho fatal Storms did Roar.)
Acquaint the Duke, complain; confirmed mind,
Such prov'd Gondace's boldest Front, combin'd.
Smooth, crafty Tongue, encourag'd (last) far rather
Through Powerful Charms o're her inchanted Father.
(High thoughts of Her conjoyn'd withal) that She
Would Swear, 'twas a Lye; base, spleenful Forgery:
Clermanthe kill'd her Dog, had poyson'd there
That Broth herself; 'Twas made by th' Nurse howe're:
(Tho confident the old Nurse abhorr'd that Sin;
Step'd partly aside Gondace dropt it in)
Out-staring all till seem'd but Envious Spight,
As Saucy check'd their close Content, delight.
The Duke enrag'd, found her Life become,
Through either's Hate, like Rack's tormenting Doom.
If silent was, Death shortly seiz'd her still,
Her Soul howe're the Whore's Tenant seem'd at will.
Thus down she sate, like Sorrow's mournful Spouse,
Death's Bride as 'twere; did th' utmost Courage rouze.
Still Beauteous, Lovely, tho with self debated:
What should she do? each hand Destruction waited.
When clearer thoughts these words did seem t'impart,
Clermanthe's Hope; kind Beam did chear her Heart.
Thus rais'd, resolv'd (young years ne're more discreet)
For flight she streight prepar'd her nimble feet.
The rest o'th' Broth was thrown away, lest spy'd;
Supp'd by that Girl, whoe're, thereof they dy'd.
Th' Old Nurse, (poor harmless Wretch) condemn'd for all
That little Dogs might seem Death Natural.
Small Linnen-change, much Gold, rich Jewel-box
In her large Scarf convey'd; Back-door she unlocks;
Which friendly led to th' Garden's shaded side,
Glance thrown like Lightning round, lest caught, descry'd;
So through long cover'd Bow'r where if beheld
Sh' had walking seem'd did smoothly trace conceal'd.
(Oft glances back) to th' Postern-door, at last;
Mufl'd from thence conjoyned Fields orepass'd
Towards her Nurse, Morneda call'd (whose Farm
Mile distant was; whom chanc'd to take by th' Arm.


In midst o'th' way to Bushes drawn, runs o're
Her mournful Tale with Tears; which Perled score
Nurse dropt as fast again; concurr'd that She
Would find her out some Lodg reserv'd (whilst Free)
Some sheltring place from dreadful Storms whatere,
That she might closely Lurk, and Sojourn there.
Two years expense and charge to undergo,
Gold Coyn she brought, for after-times did show
Rich Jewel-box, thought worth three thousand pound,
Mothers kind gift; when death did seize, surround;
As tho she would that needful chance Presage,
Nurse, some of them might for more Coin ingage.
Good, gentle Nurse was walking softly then
Some five Miles off, Week ere return'd agen;
To visit Aunt; at home no wonder so
Through absence caus'd: Clermanthe poized tho,
She had but one Maid, true faithful Wench beside,
If Search should prove, as if themselves comply'd.
Strong Hopes to please her mind Nurse briefly told;
Ill staying there, by th' way would all unfold.
Thus, forth they rush'd from Trees, bad danger fearing;
Their Journey's course began, no Scouts appearing.
Nurse then informed, that Lady's house seem'd best
Within the Grove, her self kind noble Brest
Her Mistress prov'd; Married from thence, before
Clermanthe's Nurse; ne'r Maid regarded more.
Long Widow there did dwell, withdrawn, retir'd;
Had but one Son who Travell'd, lov'd, desir'd;
Was newly gone to th' Eastern Parts, inclos'd
By th' Asian Bound for several years dispos'd.
This (last) conjoyn'd; when, visited of late,
She had Clermanthe Prais'd at th' highest rate;
That Lady wish'd, she had such a Gem, 'twould be
In Daughters stead to chear her Privacy:
Coach streight they hired, since forty miles from thence
(Close veil'd withal) needful convenience.
Clermanthe set at Neighbour-town, conceal'd,
Nurse first to th' Lady went, her Case reveal'd;
Who lik'd the thing: their motion did advance,
Clermanthe i'th' mean time, lest crush'd perchance.
Her Fortune's hoped for to empty Ayr
High Daughters claim (Gondace's earnest care.


To urge she thought) strong Fancy in her Father
That she was Lost, or plainly, Dead much rather;
Brisoldan's hopes no Poisonous Plot exprest
(Flight's cause) howe're lest seem'd from Lying Brest.
More hated, loath'd; there gentler Lines she penn'd
For his own View: deferr'd till Journy's end.
(Ink mix'd with Tears) lest stop'd by th' War debar'd:
Given by Nurse to Boy soon afterward.
When going back, for Duke Verdorus Hand
Well mufled too, lest he should ask, demand
What Face she had, or known by th' Boy descry'd;
Question'd with Threats where th' Lady did reside.

For the Duke Verdorus.

My Lord, your poor Clermanthe's gone;
Tho stragled far, not left alone;
Heaven knows the cause, yet time shall ne're
Dissolve true Daughter's Love, wheree're.
She's Living, Safe; once more may see
Your Walls by gentle Destiny.
Thus, brought by Nurse to th' Lady's Grove, at last,
(Choice, pleasant Seat) kind welcome also past;
As Cousin sent by dying Mother's Will,
Left to her Charge: call'd there Parmena still;
Year nigh consum'd in Solemn way, till now,
With what content hard Fortune would allow.
This briefly told (by us enlarg'd far more)
Some General Points touch'd only i'th' Grove before;
Orsamnes did for Sympathie comply,
Clermanthe sad beheld, whose sober Eye
View'd his again; both struck with wonder there:
Much shorter while, since so conjoyned were:
Their Princely Births and their disastrous Fortunes
Like gentle Loves; the thought whereof importunes.
Sigh, Smile from both. Orsamnes then began,
First silence broke, Dear Madam, with what Train
Of Sorrows, Griefs have you convers'd, thought rather;
Caus'd by that Whore and Charm'd, Seduced Father.


To th' Poisonous cloze, embrac'd her kindly then
'Tis true my Lord; said she with sigh agen.
I've suffer'd much for my young years, howe're;
Stranger to th' World, shew'd newly enter'd there,
Weak Combatant. Madam, did then express
Orsamnes strait; Y'are Crown'd prime Conqueress
As of my Heart; such courage shewn thus far
Wisdom conjoyn'd, both like your Person Rare.
My self have lost those Spirits in sympathising
With your Discourse, I may need cordialising:
One kiss do want for choice restorative
Which, oft obtain'd, did drooping Thoughts revive.
Here shall be joyn'd (as fit) more short Relation
Touching the Duke, Gondace both, Narration.
Of those neat things to th' Lady's Flight o'repast,
When from that Boy her Lines receiv'd, at last:
Brief, calm Farewel; no Poison there exprest,
Lest caus'd more Hatred, Rage in either's Brest.
The Duke did read with troubled thoughts, displeasure,
Bad, secret Qualm Gondace shewn at leasure.)
Since strange departure seem'd of only Child,
Which might for worth deserving Gem be styl'd.
But strong Self-Love, close, wanton Flame endear'd,
Gondace's Charms those Vapors largely clear'd.
Caus'd great Allay, since discontentment found
Through their delight conceiv'd th' o're-powerful Ground.
Deep Grudg withal Gondace gain'd that Favour,
High room, regard; still meat of dainty'st Savour.
For Poisonous Plot, no glance upon that Score,
Nor had believ'd such painted Masque she wore.
Thus calm'd best way his Thoughts, that since one House
Fayl'd to contain them both with friendly Brows;
She prov'd withdrawn; no Clashing Jars, Contest
Through Envy, Pride, was safe her Lines exprest.
Conjoyn'd withal She might return again,
Those Fogs dispell'd (perchance) which seiz'd her Brain.
Mean time, he thought, that Jewel-box supply'd
For use, expense, large heap of Gold beside:
Gondace too seem'd griev'd she so was Hated;
By cunning Arts th' Offence still aggravated.
Tho known her self grand Cause, foul guilty Soul.
No news heard of the Broth, she thought the whole


By th' Dog devour'd, who might through Nature there
Seem Dead, Disease; Glad that she's Gone howe're.
Tho was confirm'd, that She could all outface
To th' Fonder Duke preserve her wonted Grace.
For Death, that Task might soon performed be,
Through Grief, Mischance, despair by Destiny,
Four Months dissolv'd, the Duke with thoughtful Brain
More Poizing all, for Temperance again.
First Marry'd life; now either way had prov'd;
Nor could that Pearl discharge, so much belov'd:
And wanting Son withal, one former Dead,
(Fond, eager grown thereof) strong Fancy bred,
Heaven would more his last desire befriend,
Upon that Ground to's Mistriss condescend:
Good fruitful Soil Gondace thought as Fair;
Under sixteen Brisoldan's self She bare.
Those things once mov'd, no want of heightning Charms
Suckled they seem'd 'tween proud Gondace's Arms.
Thus, by consent, both joyned were together,
Man, Wife indeed; no Pompous business neither;
'Twas stoln, conceal'd from all but Houshold-eyes,
Since no great cause to vaunt of such a Prize:
Enough 'twas done grand Fortune's wealthy Sum,
Good, honest Choice more stately Forms become.
Gondace now did mount that Glorious Tow'r,
Prime Orb she aimed at that Dismal hour.
When thought t'expell his Wife Eugena's Breath
By Poisonous Art (two years before her Death
Long pause endur'd) she's plac'd i'th' Dutchess-row,
For gorgeous Pomp th' Arcadian Queen might show.
Bad News whereof Morneda fail'd to send
(Clermanthe's Nurse) lest more should griefs extend.
Both thinking on that Evening-task behind
Two Letters came; for th' Uncle first design'd
In Pastor-grange; the Prince Orontes last:
They walk'd to th' Rocky Cell, lest time o'repast.
Timondes said, he hop'd they had that hour
Well chear'd, refresh'd themselves ith' Garden-Bow'r.
They told him yet: good the open ayr, clear Sky
With Azure Cheek the Place did Beautify.
'Twas branch'd serene 'gainst Beams withal, well spread,
Th' Hermit conjoyn'd; tho ne're was Courtier bred.


Like that base Uncle of mine, yet I have us'd
Great Courtiers company; not scorn'd, refus'd
By th' Prince Orontes self at twenty's Age;
E're woo'd his Wife; when we did both ingage
For Fellow-Travellers, (mine thirty tho)
First year abroad eat, drank together so:
Parting with him on farthest Persian Ground:
Orsamnes known by Fame, brave Youth, Renown'd.
That former time with Duke Verdorus too
I've Hunted, Boul'd, ere his fair Wife did Woo,
Eugene call'd. They answer'd; he might be
(In smiling way) worthy of such company.
Joyn'd other talk; for stepping forth alone
He ask'd their leave; when both more chearful grown.
Those Words observed, consulting strait for best,
Resolv'd their Case should be to Him exprest.
Their names withal, since lik'd their Host so well:
Beyond Dervan conceiv'd that private Cell;
If found franck Offer made (their strong conceit)
Till th' Uncle could inform of grange-retreat
Timondes view'd, they told him who they were;
Their skulking aim, Dervan, short while howe're.
When he with Joy Orsamnes did imbrace,
Then kiss'd her Hand; pray'd them command that Place.
Whole Week, if pleas'd: Widow there was dwelt nigh,
Wash'd Cloaths and made his Bed, for Food supply.
Should charge that Clown which kept his Winter-grange.
Mile off, Dervan; conjoyn'd, what pleasing change
They lik'd cold meat; by her inform'd, 'Twas so,
For Corinth-friends; themselves withdrawing tho
To th' Garden Bow'r (nor known by her) and she
Should bear their Letters Seal'd conveniently.
Thanks given; Pen, Ink, Paper brought, they fall
To th' writing work, shewn nimble speed withall.
To th' Uncle first; his worthy Choice declar'd,
Then help desir'd; some place tho mean prepar'd
For their Retreat till Fathers mind compos'd;
Sent by some Swain that Note to him inclos'd:
Pray'd th' Uncle to Appais: directed well,
He there should find them both in th' Hermits Cell.
To's Father, last, penn'd these few Lines alone,
Soft, gentler way, as tho for Travel gone.


For the Prince Orontes.

My Lord, being Noble, Young, much tir'd
Through Pastor's Life, Travel desir'd,
I beg your Pardon for short space;
Shun'd dangerous, Remoter place:
Those Virgins, which may worthy prove,
I cannot grant Conjugal Love:
That Widow knock'd at Gate, convenient hour
(Her custom, use,) who, by Timondes power,
Conjoyn'd their large reward, was well inclin'd,
(Both call'd Corinthian Guests) for th' walk design'd.
'Twas soon agreed: three Miles (we said before)
It was to th' Grove, to th' Uncle's Grange two more:
Prime Evening then, May-day; those Letters were
Took nimbly thus, with plain Directions there.
Now, Reader, from that Hermitage a while
To th' Pastor-coast transferr'd our Ranging Style,
Those Actions there this days grand Festival;
What Offering prov'd, joyn'd Rural sports withal.
For Pan design'd, this Flocks Protector nam'd,
Near to ten's hour by signal Noise proclaim'd.
They Sacrific'd on large, convenient Mount
(From whence did flow their God's exalted Fount.)
Twelve choicest Kids, twelve white selected Lambs,
With Garlands dress'd of Flowers (their bleating Dams.
Whilst mourn'd their Loss) Milk, Frankincense and Wine,
Some lively Youths did joyntly then combine
To louder Musick's sound in chearful Dance
Round th' Altar there, both heels and Hearts Advance;
Devotion thought: their Feast at noon o'reflowing:
Then, th' After-time in Country-games bestowing.
These Rural-Strifes, which Greeks did well regard,
Performed were, prize joyn'd for each, reward.
First Running prov'd; who, thinly cloath'd like Ayr,
Could formost touch the Post, adorn'd made fair.
With Ribbons, Flowers; that nimble way excell'd.
Next Wrestling was; who most to th' ground compell'd


By strength and Art; could braveli'st Foyl, o'rethrow
May Lady should keep either Prize, bestow;
Choice for that Year; like Princes rang'd in State:
Persons set by to Judge and Arbitrate.
Musick conjoyn'd; who, for their ear well-mounted
On Scaffold rais'd, was skilful thence accounted;
Could sweetly th' Harp, Pipe, Cithron, voice, command;
Bay-wreaths alone, took from their Lady's hand.
For close of all; whoe're in handsom Verse,
View'd on that Stage could well pronounce, reherse
Their great god Pan's their Love's, or Pastor's praises,
Those Poets style with Crown of Laurel graces.
The choicer Ground, large Theatre for these
Was Verdant Plain, whose sides by slow degrees
Increas'd to small, thin-planted Hills, from whom
Pure streaming Founts, like Daughters of their Womb,
Broke gently forth; not Born to th' world before;
Whilst Brooks beneath that Champain Wander'd o're.
Square Plot there was, with Palms inviron'd high,
All but Fore-parts that void for the Ear and Eye;
Plank'd Galleries conjoyn'd, their backs inclos'd;
Top like some Bow'r for Nimphs and Swains compos'd.
The Widow reach'd that Grove, walk'd strait from thence
To th' Pastor's Ground, fit times convenience.
Well came to th' Lord Thersander's Grange, (so prov'd
That Uncle call'd) much valu'd Man belov'd.
She found him there, return'd from Rural sport;
Who, dwelling far (Past former Life) from Court,
Liv'd too withdrawn; no medler in the State,
High, publick things, which oft to Envy, hate
Does more expose; yet since his Wife there dy'd,
Times doubtful thought, for Pastor's Grange comply'd:
One void by chance (those Farms forementioned
By th' Owners left, laid by through Age, or Dead;
Prov'd also near) allay'd his Brother's Sorrow;
Since for Himself small comfort need to borrow.
Prime, chearful heart, as stout, resolv'd withal
What chance soe'er; more Frankly liberal:
Industrious for his Friend, there strongly Loving;
As faithful found, rare poized Temper proving:
Young, handsom Widower, had then no Child;
Might (well set forth) dear Uncle (last) be styl'd.


Was talking then (return'd) in pleasing way
With's House-keeper o'th' Rural Games that day;
Fair Virgin 'twas, well born, well bred beside,
Wife's Cousin-german prov'd, so near ally'd;
With whom she sojourned, by both esteem'd:
Since her Decease: this Lord so worthy deem'd
For Rank and Parts, next, kind Regard so great;
That she conjoyned in this Change, Retreat,
(Whose newness both did please) as Friend became;
Mild, gentle shew'd, Florena call'd by name.
Thirsander read those Lines, for gallant Choice,
By's Nephew there declar'd, did much rejoice:
Approv'd that way, withdrawn; as Travel'd so;
Wrote nimbly back Florena of Council tho)
His strong belief for Place, as they desir'd,
With Country-friend twenty miles off, retir'd:
Should thither Ride, howe'er; inform them well
Third day ere night within their Hermit-Cell:
She thus return'd; that Note inclos'd, by Swain,
Was sent to th' Prince Orontes Farm again.
The Prince that time did tread those pleasing Grounds,
Conjoyned lay, in whose small Pastor-bounds
Kingdom conceiv'd; with calmer thoughts surveigh'd
His wandring Flock, where harmlesness display'd
Mild innocence: those Flow'r-deck'd Banks beheld,
Spruce branched trees, where Natures work excell'd.
Courts proud and gaudy'st Art: there Christal stream
Did slide along, Glass to the Sun's Gold beam.
Soft Murmur's noise; whilst Springs Musicians sounded
May-carols forth, with Azure Sky surrounded.
Whose general Calm comply'd with thoughtful Brest,
If its own Heart enjoy'd, free way possest.
He had much Action shar'd disastrous Passion,
Now subject found for sober Contemplation:
Had read large World of Men, might study there
The whole Globe it self Celestial Hemisphere.
Prime Model thought; did nature's Map afford,
Grand Volumn, Book, each Leaf with wonders stor'd.
Page, Line thereof, but that so common view'd
He causes, grounds of things could name, conclude;
Their Order, use observe, more private pleasure;
Then best enjoy'd that Phylosophic Treasure.


Conjoyned Thoughts withal where day doth Range,
Or night succeed, dispers'd Scense of Change;
I'th' Monstrous Deep, four wandring Seasons shewn,
Like Fortunes of Mankind; such prov'd his Own.
When after all those later Griefs would rise,
Like damping Fume, or gloomy Cloud surprize.
Last Cross appear'd, Orsamnes found so slow,
Where Wifely Choice prime Persons rare did show.
(Their Fathers worth to th' height esteem'd, commended)
And with unpleasantness on him attended
To either's Farm; as they by th' Fathers (taught)
To his own Grange for conversation brought:
Orsamnes where allow'd (though free from Courting)
Fit, kind Regards, which prov'd to them Transporting.
Nor swell'd those Rival-girls, since the one at least,
Merdone nam'd, of milder, gentle Brest:
Their worthy Fathers too, well temper'd Men,
Still kept th' old friendly League unbroken then.
That Evening both the Prince saluted there;
Thersander (last) conjoyn'd part did bear.
All came to th' Grange; that Notes deliver'd strait,
By Shepherd brought; Thersander's Order late:
When read the same, his eyes did Wrath disclose,
Joyn'd angry Words; bad Fume from Spleen arose;
Then, chang'd that way, he thoughtful, sad appear'd;
First, absent Son belov'd, whose Danger fear'd:
Next, Marriage-aim destroy'd, where Choice design'd
One of those Girls. Thersander, they combin'd.
To calm his thoughts, each part well varnish'd o're;
For Travel, said, 'Twas done same way before
By's Grandfather (which thing the Prince confest)
Short time, no dangerous place, that note exprest.
Orsamnes too, the Prince conjoyned there
Much Gold receiv'd his Travell's charge to bear.
Thersander's mind shewn plainly thus to th' view,
Dorsin, Vernon took their Farwells, withdrew.
Nor ended so; Philaura, nam'd of late,
Worse Torment seiz'd through Love's dispairing Fate;
Who, from her Glass more Beauty's stock descrying,
Prime handsome Girl, each Shepherdess outvying.
May-Lady call'd last Year (Merdone tho
This day their Choice might almost equal show)


Wit's stronger Parts, and for confirming Ground,
More kind respects from Duke Orsamnes found,
As she conceiv'd; high Spirit (last) did prove;
Bred more Ambitious Dreams conjoyn'd with Love.
To Bow'r withdrawn, where Gales soft murmur made,
(Whilst th' Envying Sun last pleasing Glance display'd)
Through sober thoughts; her Father was o're-heard
To tell that News; with which like Thunder scar'd,
Heart's Qualm began, that rather seem'd to bleed;
Strange Soul-convulsion felt, Hope's gasp indeed.
She louder Sigh'd, then wept Love-Storm as't were,
Deep Groan the last: but being less private there.
Small Garden 'twas, She mounts from thence back-way
To th' Chamber, Bed, whereon Prostrated lay.
Sighs, Tears, and Groans increas'd to mournful Sum,
As lost th' whole World, Grief's perfect Draught become.
She nought beheld but brave Orsamne's Face
Her Fancy saw, Portray'd in every place.
There last she view'd his Person thought; and there
Last heard him speak; such looks for wounding were.
Bright Darts and Flames; such, such his words then found,
Love's Musick Notes, Harmonious Compound:
There last he spake to her, joyn'd kiss-salute
Pleas'd that Sense too; what Sighs did breath compute.
What Groans for them, by Turn, as those should prove
Loud Funeral-Knells to all her Joys of Love.
Tongue rouz'd at length, tho seem'd in part to Fail,
She thus began: prime wonder of the Vale
Of Greece, the whole World (paus'd there) O most refin'd,
Choicest of men, but hard withal, unkind.
Thy Conquest Trophies, to our Anguish, smarts,
On Maiden Ruins built, and, broken Hearts.
I sent thee mine, which, tho discharg'd to day,
Ne're whole return'd; 'twas broken by the way:
Such here it proves: That Heart, once Ayr-like Free,
Now worn Tormenting Chains; loath'd Destiny!
Nor Marvel thought since seiz'd by Love-distraction:
I hop'd too much; with Hope conjoyned-action.
Too much I look'd, alas! too strangely Lov'd,
Fond, easie Soul: till Freedom Blasted prov'd.
Weep, weep my Traitor-Eyes, in kindness now
O'reflow and Drown me quite; sigh Breast till thou


Want'st Ayr to breath; rend, break my Heart outright;
But live Orsamnes still, enjoy this Light.
O Love! thou worst of Tyrant-Lords, to whom
Death mild appears! how lingring, slow thy Doom!
True Lovers oft in Torment, pain surpass
The rest o'th' World, die ten fold o're, alas!
Not Lov'd again: groan'd there for sad Rejection,
Then Mus'd, streight, thought of each rare Perfection;
His Body more advanc'd by far, and Mind,
Thus (lost) new-rated all, as Love inclin'd.
Week's term expir'd, more strange resolve possess'd
(Shewn afterwards) her Wave-distempered Breast.
That other Nimph, mean while, Merdone nam'd,
More humble Girl, of calmer Temper fram'd;
Less smooth'd by Hope (Choice, Beauteous tho to th' eye)
Could better far with Grief's sad weight comply;
Such Fortune bear, tho Lov'd as well she;
Since loftier thoughts may raise the Storms degree.
Sigh'd, wept her Sorrows forth in Gloomy Bow'rs,
Like April's gentle Blasts and sober Showrs.
This far that Pair: tho seem'd revived now
Silvanor's Heart, with Love-perplexed Brow;
Philaura's Servant long; began to feed
More chearful hopes: same did Montanus breed,
Mordone's that; both born Gentile howere
Their Fathers with the Prince turn'd Pastors there.
Liv'd in one Farm with single Pastor then,
Both Widowers (these th' Heirs) well-landed men:
Choice, gallant Youths, for each regard might shew;
Much darkned through Orsamnes Glory tho,
From Suit refrain'd, Transcendent Rival-fearing:
In Looks (Glass-like portray'd) their thoughts appearing.
Writ Poems (last) where those young Virgins shin'd
Terrestrial Stars. To these by voice assign'd,
Since Conquerors, that running wrestlers prize
May-day, last year; when Pan's great Feast did rize.
Took from Philaura's hand, May Lady then;
All newly come to th' Pastor-Farms, tho mean.
This Day Merdone She; from whom Both gain'd
Their Laurel wreaths, for Musick, Verse obtain'd.
We shall Revisit now (still safe and well)
That Princely Pair within their Hermits Cell


When Seven's Hour, Timondes spreads his Table
With cleanly Cloath, such Food, as he was able.
(Good, wholsom kind) did Range before them there;
First, Cold Bak'd meat, Cheese, Butter in the Rere:
Wish'd Frankly eat, meats for th' whole Week beside:
(If th' are dispos'd) soon from Dervan supply'd.
Both thanks return'd, whilst hightned more their Food
Strangeness o'th' Place, wing'd Chanters from the Wood.
Their Supper done, Both walk'd forth contented
To view the Ground, thus briefly represented.
Large Green there was, Long-square i'th' midst did rest
Small, handsome Pond, four-squared Form exprest.
Clear, smooth as Glass; 'bout that low Mount was rais'd
For broader Walk; the sides adorned, prais'd.
Through well set, comely Trees; those order'd so,
That every Third did pleasant Fruit-tree grow.
Like Gems to th' Rest, or painted part, as 'twere,
First glanced or might Orchard-Grove appear.
Beneath that Bank, on each enlarged side
(Since Mount long square) good open space descry'd.
Flat, verdant green, did single Arbour stand
Of Laurel, Bays, which Winter-blasts command;
Still Freshly branch'd, conjoyned close to th' Wall:
Same planted Trees set round that Fence withal;
Mixt Cipress there; and near to one of them,
(That side o'th' Cell) small Fount from Rock did stream,
Adorn'd by Art, tho something Wild, o'regrown:
At foot beneath, where Watry Cistern shown,
Nine Muses Carv'd beheld, in Silvan Dress,
With Instruments joyn'd consort to express:
Apollo's self (then Patron) higher rais'd;
Whilst from the Top rude, wanton Satyrs gaz'd.
At either end o'th' Bank (still space between)
I'th' Flat beneath, where thorow Prospect seen.
On every Part small closer Walk beheld,
Whose length went cross to the Gate-side excell'd.
With flaunting Palms, their tops like Roof combin'd;
That noblest Branch for Conqerors design'd.
'Twas large and various Ground; first open space
Led from the door to th' Hermit's dwelling-place.
Bank by the Wall prov'd here and there beset
With Corans, Roses, Paunsey, Violet.


Clermanthe found in this unlook'd-for Sight
(Joyn'd Nature, Art) Orsamnes both delight.
Not much past Nine (still lusty, ancient tho)
Their Woman knoc'd, Thirsander's Note did show:
Both nimbly read those Lines (by th' Hermit heard)
Contentful way; gave the Agent great Reward.
Orsamnes then declar'd, of Virgin-vow
His Wife had made three Weeks remained now;
He therefore would sad Fancy charm, delight,
And Feign at least that prov'd his Bridal night.
Clermanthe Blush'd, their Landlord smil'd withal;
Orsamnes when to's pleasing Task did fall.
Cropt several Flowers, wherewith that verdant Ground
Did flaunting shew, till gather'd choice Compound.
Clermanthe then (whilst th' Hermit led the way,
Grave Father-like) to th' Cell did guard, convey.
In formal sort, Saluted her at Door;
Then finely strewed with Paunseys round the Floor.
Pinks, Violets; Rose deck'd the Marriage-Bed:
Clean Pillow-bear provided for her Head.
Want of Night-cloaths; which being worn at Home,
(Choice couching Garb) did rarely well become.
The Duke seem'd active tho, as for that end
Pull'd off her Hood; did Handmaid-like attend.
Reach'd, holds the Glass; till caus'd in her that fashion
Sweet, sobrest Blush through strong imagination.
He leads her Bridegroom-like, prepared so,
To th' larger Bed, where couched down might show.
Shot Lightning-flash, or falling Star expos'd:
Whilst th' Hermit sat with's Friendly Chair inclos'd.
Thus, Curtains drawn 'twixt them, Timondes there;
Still Window's Light Clermanthe's Face howere
Thence to behold; he lay down by her side;
Both in their Cloaths; warm season well comply'd:
Grasp'd her in's Arms, whilst Silver Moon that hour
With Fainter Beams adorn'd the Rocky Bowr.
Blush strain'd into her Cheeks, least then might prove
Years Vow forgot: those formost Fruits of Love:
In Kisses seiz'd, which should his thoughts content;
Nere in that way (so free, so excellent)
Enjoy'd before, for Posture's pleasantness,
Time, Pillow, Bed; Bridal resemblances.


Her Beauties sparkled round, those fairest eyes
(On Gloomy Couch) like Morning-Stars when rise.
Or Rosie blushing East when Break of Day,
Her Cheeks and Lips conjoyn'd did shew, display.
Timondes slept that while, good Honest Heart,
Becalmed thoughts, till bare, Loud snorting Part.
At later Hours, the Rest themselves dispos'd
Conforming Both, their Gallant Eyes they clos'd.
Come gentle sleep, bind this Transcendent Pair
In Silken Bands, most beautiful and fair
Of all thy drousie Realm (with Slumbers now
Bedew'd their Eyes) since to thy Scepter bow.
Give Cordial-like Repast, no strange Offence,
Unpleasing noise disturb their quiet Sense.
Here Joyned more touching that Shepherdess,
Fair Nimph Gentile, who Mourn'd in sad Distress.
Philaura call'd, Belov'd Orsamnes gon;
Ere break of day this Plot resolv'd upon:
Close walk by stealth to th' Vestal Nunnery,
Far distant Place, known vow'd Society
Of Heathen Maids (such found in Rome, elsewhere)
For Chaster minds, reserv'd provided there.
She would make One; by th' Father tho discry'd
They Lock'd her up, persuasion-salves apply'd
To cure this last Disease; broke forth in View:
Silvanor whilst for Love did strangely Sue:
Pastor Gentile, which mourn'd for her before;
Tho hid, conceal'd; Advanc'd upon that Score.
By Parents, Friends, since might her thoughts reclaim
From Vestal mood, and th' old disastrous Flame.
Such th' other too, Montanus call'd exprest;
Still constant serv'd Merdone's gentle Breast,
Soon noised was Orsamnes Voyage round,
Who then whole year upon that Pastor-ground
Had dwelt reserv'd. A second Festival
Third day did prove, to Ceres due withal;
Goddess of Corn; performed chearful fashion:
In th' Afternoon us'd Sports for Celebration.
Prime Shepherds did short Masque-device invent,
The Lord Orsamnes Praise to represent.
(So much belov'd, esteem'd) Spruce for th' Attire;
Worn Flowry wreaths, the best of their Voice-Quire.


Silvanor and Montanus Song compos'd.
Fram'd Notes and Words, each Stave with Chorus clos'd.



Honour's chief Gem, brave Lord Farewell;

Two Voyces.

Still Shine, excell:
Tho chang'd these Flocks rude Bleating sound,
With Native Ground,
For Climes remote where Wonders dwell,
Chorus of all.
Gentlest Gales on Waters Floor
Conduct thy Barque,
Conduct thy Barque to Foreign Shore.


Next Pan himself Thou here didst Reign,

Two Voices.

Like Star o'th' Plain;
And through thy Beams the Pastor fries
Could'st Civillize:
Much Rais'd advanc'd their Rural Brain:
Chorus of all.
Choicest Honour (last) did'st shew.
With vulgar Rank,
With vulgar rank conjoyn'd below.


Prime Male Compound, whose Virtue, Parts

Two Voices.

Did take our Hearts.
And Forms united excellence
Much pleas'd our Sense.
Small Grange would Cloud thy grand Deserts.
Chorus of all.
Pastors shall howere Record,
They could long time young Duke afford
Advance, Proclaim
Thy Praise to Fame,
And Glory in the Lord Orsamne's Name.


Song ended thus, their nimblest Youth and Art
All shew'd in Masquing Dance, for second part;
Loud Musick's Noise; as would perform thereby
Some Court-exploit for th' Ear and gazing Eye.
Orsamnes health then Marched stoutly round,
Triumphant way, to th' clearer Cornets sound.
Whist Hills and Rocks, like chanting Eccho's station,
Did Partners seem conjoyn'd for Celebration.
That drunk by all, one of their Masquing Train,
Great Friend to Shepherds, Sheep, with chearful Brain
These Words pronounc'd (Osamnes since dispos'd
That Life to leave) set Speech; their praise disclos'd.
Kind Brothers of the Flock, to gentle whom
(Grand Patrons thought) for constant dwellings come.
Peace, Quietness, joyn'd harmless Innocence;
There seek protecting Roofs, find shelter thence.
If any where. O Choice, contentful Life!
Unus'd to Jars, that boiling envious Strife
Of haughty Courts, their Wanton Luxury
Proud, gorgeous Pomp withal; from Projects free.
No painted Vizards worn, but th' inward heart
And outward Face alike; match'd either part:
Kings have left Thrones by your retreat befriended;
As Swains from you have Kingly Thrones ascended.
Then chose they strait, for well conjoyned pleasure,
Prime Virgins there at hand, danc'd Rural measure.
Whilst Grandsires nodded off, talk'd are and o're,
Themselves had done the like in Youth, and more.
Now for the Court we shall advance more high;
To that young King our Pen conform, apply,
Whoso the Prince Disgrac'd; Acts there declare:
Great Lords conjoyn'd, some strange, as various are:
But if too Long conceiv'd, o'repass, refrain;
Third Book presents our Chief, large Story again.