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KOSMOBREVIA[Greek], or the infancy of the world

With an Appendix of Gods resting day, Edon Garden; Mans Happiness before, Misery after, his Fall. Whereunto is added, The Praise of Nothing; Divine Ejaculations; The four Ages of the world; The Birth of Christ; Also a Century of Historical Applications; With a Taste of Poetical fictions. Written some years since by N. B.[i.e. Nicholas Billingsley] ... And now published at the request of his Friends

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12 On Diana.

Apollo 's sister daughter unto Jove,
And fair Latona, loves in woods to rove;
And on the swelling hills: from her sure bow
Her Arrows (messengers of death) doth throw,
At swift-foot Dears, and tim'rous Hares, which hast
For life, but meet with death; Diana chast
Goddess of dancing, unto virgins mild
Propitious unto women great with child:
An eye of watchfulness, this Goddess sets,
Over the Fishers and the Hunters nets.
The dancing Satyrs. Sylvan Dryades,
Nymphs, Hamadryades, and Orades,
Do in her sight delight; in Heaven, Earth, Hell,
Luna, Diana, Proserpine, do dwell;
One and the same, Triform'd, and Trivia nam'd,
Because, where three wales met there she was fam'd
This winged Goddess easily restrains
Fierce Lions force, and speck'led Leopards reines:


The all-united force of milk-white Stags,
Through Marble plains her silver Chariot drags;
Because, with hornes, she looketh beautifull,
Men sacrifized unto her a Bull;
Nay more (while they Diana did invoke)
With humane flesh her frequent Altars smoke.