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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

By Mrs. Catherine Jemmat

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On Mr. PELHAM's Death.
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On Mr. PELHAM's Death.

A statesman dead! the Muses now must mourn,
And with their tears bedew a Pelham's urn;
Noble by birth, to noble blood ally'd,
Nor stain'd that blood, but much lamented dy'd.
A monarch mourn'd a faithful servant's death,
His pious offspring mourn'd his flitting breath;
Many still mourn in him a steady friend,
For ever gone; but he has gain'd his end.
In blessful ease he no detraction fears,
Nor calumny's black lies insult his ears;
No broils nor troubles discompose his breast,
Nor party-jarrings now disturb his rest.