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Poems on Several Occasions

In Two Volumes. By Mr. Joseph Mitchell

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Blest Sermon! Hail to the ingenious Throng,
That, list'ning, learn Perfection from my Song.
Cherish'd beneath my most auspicious Wing;
The Scotian Youth, like honour'd Ancients, sing!
See! ravish'd Crowds, with Rev'rence gather round,
Admire the Doctrine, and devour the Sound.


Disputes to my Decision are referr'd,
And what, like ipse dixit, is rever'd?
“My Friends (I cry) my purpos'd Task to aid,
“Be all your Heads, with mine, together, laid:
“What must his Learning, what his Genius, be,
“Who sings a Walpole, as he's known to me?
“To touch a Theme, so nobly warm, aright,
Greece, Rome, and Britain, shou'd their Pow'rs unite.
'Tis said;—But lo! from far, amidst the Crowd,
A thinking Bard replies, serenely loud,
“Well has our Laureat Mitchell sought our Aid:
“The ablest, in such Tasks, are most afraid!
“But, as Resolves, so weighty, ask some Time,
“And Reason still shou'd be preferr'd to Rhyme,
“I humbly move,—that we postpone his Suit,
“'Till his chymeric Pow'r grows absolute.