University of Virginia Library


Psal. XCIV. 19. In the Multitude of my Thoughts within me, &c.


When Hell and Earth their threat'ning Frowns unite,
Muster their Terrors, and my Soul affright,
When my ill-boding Fears disturb my Rest,
And anxious Cares perplex my aking Breast;


When Snares are spread on all the faithless Ground,
And Rocks and Shelves encompass me around,
When thro' my Veins tempestuous Sorrows roll,
Their swelling Tide, and agitate my Soul;


The Thoughts of Thee, indulgent God, dispel
These Shades of Death, and change this Face of Hell:


From Thee, the Source of Joy, such Comforts flow,
As sooth my Suff'rings, and appease my Woe.


The Thoughts of Thee my wounded Spirit cure,
Compose the Tempest, and my Peace restore;
The Thoughts of Thee, Great Power, new Life excite,
Revive my Hopes, and fill me with Delight.