University of Virginia Library

The .lxx. Psalme.

O God make haste to deliuer, thy seruant at hys nede:
And let me haue thyne helpe good Lorde, wyth al haste & quicke spede.
Let them suffer shame and rebuke, that beare my soule such spyght:
And let them be put backe wyth shame that in myne hurtes delyght.

Let them be dryuen backe (I saye) because they seke my shame:
And do behold my myseries, and reioyse in the same.
But let thē reioyse & be glad, that ernestly seke the:
And let them that loue thyne health saye, let goddes prayse in vs be.
Make haste to me (O God) for I am pore in myserie:
Myne helpar and my pledge thou arte, O Lorde do not tarie.