University of Virginia Library

[The Tale of the Three Dishonest Executors.]

A tale y herde a gode man sey,
how a man dyd whan he shuld deye:
he ches hym þre executours,
Of al hys godys ordeynours,
Twey lewed men and a clerke,


To do gode yn soulë werke.
Þys clerk was a lordyng,
Þe toþer was an husbunde þat lyued by hys þyng,
Þe þrydë was a marchaunde
Þat boght and solde with cunnaunte.
Fyl auenture he deydë sone;
Þey dyd with hym þat was to done;
To þe erþë þey hym dyght,
For, þat was þe dedys ryȝt.
whan he was dede, forȝate þey noȝt
Þat al hys godë þey furþe broght.
Whan þey hadde gadred and a-countede
Þrytty mark hys gode amounted;
hys vessel was ten mark wurþy,
and ten mark of pens redy,
and ten mark hys ouþer store:
Þus þey hyt set, and at no more.
Þys clerk seyd: “we are þre;
As y rede, so do shul ȝe:
Þys ychë man þat dedë ys,
y hope hys soulë be yn blys;
and ȝyf hys soulë yn blys be,
he haþ no nede of gold ne fe;
hyt may no more but be yn heuene,
þogh we ȝaue þys, and swych[ë] seuene;
And ȝyf hys soulë be yn helle,
Alle þe pens þat we mow telle,
ne alle þe prestes þat messe mow synge,
Mow nat hyt out of hellë brynge:
So, be hyt yn helle, or be hyt yn blys,
hyt haþ no morë nede of þys;


“And we are swore to dele hyt ryȝt,
And euen to parte hyt at oure myȝt;
So we shul, ȝyf þat ȝe wylle:
And seyþ now here an euyn skylle;
he vouchede hyt saufe on vs, he seyd,
Þat we ȝaue hyt whan he deyde.
“Þys yche vessel þat ȝe se,
hyt may wel fallë to me.
þe store of hous, y vndyrstande,
Falleþ weyl to an husbande;
And þese pens falle on best wyse
To a marchaunde to do hys marchaundyse.
For soþë, y kan se no bet,
How euer hyt myȝt be bettyr sette;
No better, certes, myȝt hyt falle:
Þys ȝe seeþ, and weteþ alle.
Takë eche man hys party,
For y haue parted hyt euenly.”
And eche of hem hys partë toke;
Hyred þey neyþer messe ne boke
For to synge, ne for to rede;
þey seyd þe soulë had no nede.
y pray God, mysauenture
hauë swych executure!
Executur þat wyl nat do
As þe dede ordeyned to,
he shal haue ful euyl endyng
þat so wyþ-halt þe dedës þyng.
Fals executours þat haue ben,
þys chaunce haue men of hem sen,
þat oþer fayleþ hem wurldës grace,
Or, at here endyng, speche or space;
And ȝyf hyt stonde þe wurldës aght,
A tokene hyt ys, hys soule ys kaght.


And here, at þys ychë pas,
Y shal ȝow tellë of a kas
Þat fyl now late yn Kesteuene;
But þe name y wyl nat neuene.