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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De prerogatiua primogeniture quam Melchisedech habuit ex consuetudine & Iacob ex supplantatione. Isidorus.
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De prerogatiua primogeniture quam Melchisedech habuit ex consuetudine & Iacob ex supplantatione. Isidorus.

One thyng is gode now to knowe,
As Isidre beris gode witnes,
one special thyng that I shal showe
And declar ow now expresse.
Melchisedech, as I saide her,
Noe aldest sone was,
And after kyng & prest in fer,
As þe Bible mynde mas.
But ȝe shul vnderstond wel thys,
that kyng to nome þen caȝt he,
for he bult þat toun i-wys
And foundore was of that cite.
But qvy he prestes office ber
I shal declar apertly,
the quych may do ow gode to her
And ȝe conceyue hit hertfully.


That time quat sone that aldest wer
this prerogatif þen hade he
At offrynges & gederynges in fer,
that sone hade þis gret dignite,
To blesse þe peple ful power,
And to hym then shuld falle of fe
ffirst offryng, wer it neuer so der,
by vertu of þat ilke degre.
And for Melchisedech aldest was
of Noe sones, leue ȝe me,
presthode he occupiet in þat plas,
And that was gret autorite,
And that prerogatif clercus sayn


was hit that Esau sold as nys
to Iacob his brother to be bayn
for pulment of ful littel prys.
Of þis mater qvo-so wil se
the text expresly how it ys,
this ilke chapitre loke wel he
of þe first boke Genesis,

Genesis xxv. capitulo.

And ther þis mater he shal fynde,
how þe ȝonger broþer tho
bigilet þe alder & aire of kynde
of heritage & benisoun both two.