University of Virginia Library


58. World's Bliss Have Good Day.


Corpus Christi Coll. Camb. MS. 8.

Worldes blisce, haue god day!
Nou fram min herte wand away;
him for to louen min hert his went,
þat þurȝ his side spere rent,
his herte blod ssadde for me,
nayled to þe harde tre.
þat swete bodi was y-tend,
prened wit nayles þre.
Ha iesu! þin holi hefd
wit ssarpe þornes was by-weued,
þi feyre neb was al bi-spet,
wit spot and blod meynd al by-wet;
fro þe crune to þe to
þi body was ful of pine and wo,
and wan and red.
ha iesu! þi smarte ded
be my sseld and my red
fram deueles lore.
ha, suete iesu, þin hore!
for þine pines sore,
thech min herte riȝt loue þe
ȝwas herte blod was ssed for me.