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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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To the Memorie of the Excellent Dramatique English Poets; Mr. Fra: Beaumont & Mr. Io: Fletcher;

Vpon the Impresssion of their Severall Comedies, Tragidies, &c:

I knew you not; therefore, what I may say
Is free from Passion; other People may
Distingvish in your workes; which vnto mee
Appears like Sizors of Impietie,
To part the Webbe, which you still kept intire
And loved it Soe. As in the Globe, noe higher
Nor lower, properlie is vnderstood;
Soe in your orbéd witt, I know noe Flood
To drowne the other's Earth; noe Element
But was soe pois'd, it made one Excellent
Equallie-moveing Sphere; others, who knew
Your severall parts, may give, as they thinke due;
For me, I am forbid. What you thought fitt
To ioyne (Your Selves?) I will not Sever itt.
Fletcher and Beaumount! Who shall ere devide
These noble Twinn's? Twins, by the Surer side;
Crossing the vulgar mouth, who gape and yawne;
Credit, or Kindred meerlye by the Spawne;


And can see nothing higher. Mother witt
Was still their Charter, and they claime by 't yet.
You, Sons of Phebus; (bright as his owne Light
Vnto our Ile, late wrapt vp in the Night
Of Ignorance, where witt might but appeare
Like owles, in Twilight) have redeem'd vs here;
And like those happie Fires (Auspicious still
To Navigators, ioyn'd, if Single, ill
And Fate-portending;) you revivéd have
Witt's Barke, long tost vpon a dangerous wave;
And Shine, to gvide and Comfort those who trye
That ocean, for some new Discoverie.
If there be any world beyond what you
Have given maps for; Straights which none yet knew,
Yet some shall vndertake; Your ioyné Flames
Direct 'em; who, to Celebrate your Names,
Shall Pillars raise, inscribéd, by what Light
They past the false Fires; & arrivéd right
In the safe Port, of ------. Thus to you
Future Endeavours must be ascribéd too.
Soe long as Socke or Buskin treads the Stage,
Beaumont and Fletcher shall enrich the Age;
Or Should the Malice of hot mouths proceed
To Silence Theaters; let even Witt bleed
To death in Catharrs, and the raging fire
Of Envie Swallow truth; when they expire.
November 15, 1647. G. Daniel.