University of Virginia Library



O might it plese the high supernall pouers
for to redresss my sore afflicted state,
or short my lothed lyfe and happles houers,
which confort dois abase and ioyes abate!
from day to day my dollours grow so greate,
as love insists to wound me more and more;
I rin so far I can not mak retrait;
ther is no herbe may cuir or salve my sore.
And quhils, faire dame, I do deaths help implore,
I call to mynde that deathe will then deny;
I pen your prayse quhome I with ȝeale adore;
ȝea, gif I die, we bothe sal loss heirbye,
for yow sal tyne the obiect of your yre,
And I the subiect of my high desyre.