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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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To his Muse.

Fiue bookes had been sufficient:
or sixe, or seuen in deede:
And to muche to: why then my Muse
to sport doest thou proceede?
Fie, fie, forbeare, and make an ende:
my fame abroad is spred:
And no man talkt of more then I.
my bookes eche where bee red.
And when the stones of Messala
shall lye, and bee forlorne:
When Marble stones of Licinus
to pouder shall be worne,
Yet euery mouthe shall speake of me:
and many a geste with hym
Shall carrie to his countrie coste,
my woorkes and poems trim.
I ended, Loe, then spake one of
the sacred sisters nyne,
Whiche had her bosome and her locks


besmeerd with oyntments fine.
Canst thou, canst thou vngratefull churle
(quoth she) finde in thy harte:
To plaie as thou hast purposed,
so fonde a thanklesse parte:
Canst thou forsake thy pleasant toyes,
and trifles that excell:
How better canst be occupied
when thou art Idle, tell?
In lofty stile wilt rather chuse
feirce tragedies to write?
Or else of blowes, and blody blades
hadst rather to indite?
Then euery skowlyng scholemaster
would read with harshie voyce
Thy verse, then neither lad nor lasse
would in thy stile reioyce.
The frownyng sage, and sowre seuere
these kinde of thinges do write,
Who miserably spend their time
in study day and night.
Use rather thou thy Romain Iests,
and pleasauntly repeat
Thy sawes, and as for them, let them
of what they list intreat.
Although with sklender Oten pipe
thou seemst perdy to sing:
Thou dost surpasse the Trumpet, lowd


that in the eares doth ring.