Comoedia A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?] |
I. |
I. |
II. |
III. |
VI. |
VII. |
XV. |
XVI. |
E. |
The XII. Chapter.
Comoedia | ||
The XII. Chapter.
Playne-and-iust.To this, must we let our vnderstanding firmly byde.
Read vs the Gospel, that sweetly doth accorde:
Giue-eare then: In the Beginning, was the
Holy Worde
The Word was with God/discomende not this.
All is made ther-through, what soeuer is.
And in the same Woorde, is the Lyfe contayned.
The Word was with God/discomende not this.
All is made ther-through, what soeuer is.
And in the same Woorde, is the Lyfe contayned.
Also, Iohn ; in his Epistle; hath written and explayned/
(The which is very true, and certayne; doutles)
That God is a Light, without any Darknes/
Let vs now consider, of thissame in our Hearts.
(The which is very true, and certayne; doutles)
That God is a Light, without any Darknes/
Let vs now consider, of thissame in our Hearts.
Ther through do I feele, in my inwarde parts/
A cleere Knowledg of Christ, the Reconciler of Mankynde/
That Hee only is, our Satisfyer assynde.
Lo: I am ; by thy Reading; becom Understanding thorowly.
Cogitacions.I ask also ; by the same; a new-Wisdom, verely/
And ; in myne Understanding; am now assured of this/
That Those which reade the Scripture, can in nowyse mysse:
For ther through becom we wyse, with Feates of wyly Skill.
Now, Such as aske vs Question, we can answere, at our will/
And can testify of God likewyse, through the Scripture playne.
Beholde: Now are we growen, rightly wyse, certayne:
For we can now iudg, the Opinions of Eueryone:
And knows how to shewe althings, with the Scripture alone.
For we can now ; after our Custom; iudg of each ones Fayth.
We wil go proue it all, if it be as the Scripture sayth/
So shall we be suer therby, not to fayle a Iote:
For we haue now the Scripture, euen readely by rote.
Therfore wil we lye lurking on our Bench and note
How to fetch: anyone/to prate it-out with Scripture euery wheare.
Yea/yea/wel-sayde: I heare a Draught a broching theare/
Euen of the same that wee ; in our Uessels; haue, no-dout.
Tell me Unregarding, hardst thou not thatt breake-out?
Good-thinking shall ; by the Scripture readers; be spread abroad ful-fitt.
Unregarding.I harde them speake of Thee indeede: but I am forgotten as-yet.
For I shall weare out-of-mynde, wheare Scripture coms inhande.
O, how exceeding wyse now, are wee in euery Lande/
Noman can worke vs Deceit, to bring vs to any Shame.
For we haue now the Scripture, according as thesame
Is spoken by the Prophets/Gods Messengers we call:
They teache vs, not to serue, any strainge Gods at-all.
The Apostles also witnes ; to our Consolation;
That Iesus Christ only, is fully our Saluation:
For he valiantly ouercame, the Siege that Sinne did laye/
So that our Sinnes are now, altogether wypt awaye.
Thissame ; for our Attonement; doth the Scripture witnes flatt.
Playne-and-iust.We shall not need likwyse, to add anything to Thatt/
Therfore, all sorowfull Mocions, let vs now forsake/
And on Christ Satisfaction, our Uaunting highly make/
And also liue, from hence forth, without any Sorow or Care.
Yea/yea: becom vnregarding/so can I fetch you in my Snare.
Cumber not yourselues/about the Saluacion.
Com-on/let vs of the Scripture, go make Examinacion/
Whither it do not vnto vs, this Matter thus expounde.
We wil drawe it all therto, that theruppon doth sounde:
Then knowe we how to confirme it all, as Scripture manifests.
The XII. Chapter.
Comoedia | ||