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What power can prop a sinking soul,
Oppressed with woes and sick of grief,
Bid the warm tear forbear to roll,
Despair's heart-rending sigh control,
And whisper sweet relief?


Friendship! sweet balm for sorrow's smart,
In thee the soothing power is found,
To heal the lacerated heart,
Extract affliction's venomed dart,
And close the bleeding wound.
When pierced by grief's chill tempest through,
The tendril bends beneath its power,
Thou canst the broken plant renew:
Thy sacred tear, like heavenly dew,
Revives the drooping flower.
If fortune frown—if health depart,
Or death divide the tenderest tie,
Friendship can raise the sinking heart,
A glow of real joy impart,
And wipe the tearful eye.
If foes without attack our name,
Or foes within assault our peace,
Then friendship's pure celestial flame,
Can sooth the mind—defend our fame,
And bid assailants cease.
Come, then, sweet power, of source divine,
For ever glow within my breast;
My earliest friend be ever mine,
One link our hearts in union join,
To make each other blest.