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ATTACHMENT A = Resolution Re Cemetery EXCERPT
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Resolution Re Cemetery

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Visitors, March 9, 1915

  • 3. That the following classes of persons may obtain licenses for burial lots in the proposed addition (the "new section"):
  • a) Professors and officials of the University
  • b) Resident children of such professors or officials
  • 8. That the licenses for all such lots contain the following stipulations:
  • a) That if the licenses remove from the neighborhood and fail during twenty years to notify the Bursar of the University that the use of his plot is still desired, the right of so much of the lot as remained unused, shall be deemed to have been abandoned. (Note that this is definitive in the resolution of some of the problems we have mentioned.)

9. That suitable lots be set aside for the graves of such individual students and alumni, as may be buried here.

No further action by the Board has been located in the Minutes, except for increasing the charge per lot to $40 (1955).