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Brabham, Henry Muller, B.A., Furman University. History  Manning, S. C. 
Thesis: Edward Rutledge of the American Revolution. 
Bridgman, Anna Josephine, B.A., Agnes Scott College.
University, Va. 
Thesis: Helminthic Parasites of Rats and Mice in Charlottesville and
Vicinity and on Salt Pond Mountain. 
Brock, Elizabeth, B.A., Birmingham-Southern College.
Birmingham, Ala. 
Thesis: A Vocabulary Study of A Middle English Metrical Paraphrase
of the Old Testament.
Brown, Fred Milton, B.A., Lynchburg College. History  Rocky Mount, Va. 
Thesis: Tobacco Trade in Virginia During Revolution. 
Burger, Nash Kerr, Jr., B.A., University of the South.
Jackson, Miss. 
Thesis: Katherine Sherwood Bonner. 
Click, George Shreckhise, B.A., Bridgewater College.
Mount Sidney, Va. 
Thesis: The Comparative Anatomy of the Witch Hazel and the Cinnamon
Fern from Xerophytic and Mesophytic Areas at Mountain Lake. 
Davis, Frank John, B.A., Colgate University. English  Louisville, Ky. 
Thesis: Madison Cawein and His Poetry. 
Fletcher, Mary Frances, B.A., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute.
Ruston, La. 
Thesis: A Biographical and Critical Study of Ruth McEnery Stuart. 
Hanning, Norman Walter, B.A., Elizabethtown College.
Glen Rock, Penna. 
Thesis: A History of Secondary Education in York County, Pennsylvania. 
Harding, Lowry Waring, B.A., Lynchburg College. History  Hardings, Va. 
Thesis: A Social and Economic History of Mecklenburg County, Virginia. 
Hook, Robert McDonald, B.A., Elon College. Education  Winchester, Va. 
Thesis: Consolidation, An Aid in Education. 
Janney, Werner Lutz, B.A., University of Virginia.
Lincoln, Va. 
Thesis: The Gnomic Quality in the Plays of Chapman. 
Moore, James Peyton, B.A., Hampden-Sydney College.
Prospect, Va. 
Thesis: Patrick Henry and Western Lands. 
Pawley, Raymond, Jr., B.A., Colorado College. Economics  University, Va. 
Thesis: Air Transport—Its Organization and Problems. 
Rhett, Beverley Randolph Lee, B.A., Washington and
Lee University. English 
Bedford, Va. 
Thesis: A Study of the Four Major Characters of the Troilus Story in
Chaucer and Shakespeare. 
Wetmore, Donald Dawson, B.A., Acadia University,
Canada. English 
Truro, Nova Scotia,
Thesis: An Examination of William Hazlitt's Dramatic Criticism. 
Whitmore, Ada Blair, B.A., College of William and
Mary. English 
Swoope, Va. 
Thesis: Chapman's Part in the Development of Comedy. 
Whitten, Mary Ebbie, B.A., Mississippi State College for
Women. English 
Mobile, Ala. 
Thesis: A Critical Analysis of the Plays of Augustus Thomas. 


June  August 
Doctors of Medicine  54 
Bachelors of Laws  64 
Bachelors of Laws with Final Honors 
Bachelors of Science in Engineering  17 
Chemical Engineer 
Electrical Engineer 
Bachelors of Science in Nursing Education 
Bachelors of Science in Education  26 
Bachelors of Science in Architecture 
Bachelor of Science in Biology 
Bachelors of Science in Chemistry 
Bachelors of Science in Commerce  19 
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 
Bachelors of Science  97  14 
Bachelors of Arts  23 
Bachelors of Arts with Final Honors 
Masters of Science  21 
Masters of Arts  14  18 
Doctors of Philosophy  25 
390  58