University of Virginia Library


History of Art B1: A general course in the history of Ancient Art
with especial emphasis on architecture, painting and sculpture. Three lectures
each week with assigned readings. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Hammarstrand.

History of Art B2: Not open to first-year students.—A general course in
the history of Medieval Art. Three lectures each week with assigned readings.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Hammarstrand.

History of Art B3: Not open to first-year students.—A general course in
the history of Art of the Renaissance carried to 1800, French Art carried to year
1900. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Hammarstrand.