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1 occurrence of Winter in Durnover Field
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1 occurrence of Winter in Durnover Field
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Thirty years after
I began again
An old-time passion:
And it seemed as fresh as when
The first day ventured on:
When mutely I would waft her
In Love's past fashion
Dreams much dwelt upon,
Dreams I wished she knew.
I went the course through,
From Love's fresh-found sensation—
Remembered still so well—
To worn words charged anew,
That left no more to tell:


Thence to hot hopes and fears,
And thence to consummation,
And thence to sober years,
Markless, and mellow-hued.
Firm the whole fabric stood,
Or seemed to stand, and sound
As it had stood before.
But nothing backward climbs,
And when I looked around
As at the former times,
There was Life—pale and hoar;
And slow it said to me,
“Twice-over cannot be!”