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[Saviour, Thou seest my heart's desire]

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, &c. —xii. 18.

Saviour, Thou seest my heart's desire,
The wish Thou didst Thyself inspire,
Thy word and tempers to receive,
In peace with all mankind to live;
Or if, alas! it cannot be,
Yet O, destroy the bar in me;
In me let wars and fightings cease,
And all my soul be love and peace.
For universal peace I pine,
And breathing in the Spirit Divine,
Meek love to furious hate oppose,
And conquer all my soften'd foes;
As brethren dear, the blood-bought race,
With cordial amity embrace;
And for one further blessing sigh,
In peace with all mankind to die.