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The Scourge of Folly

Consisting of satyricall Epigrams, And others in honour of many noble Persons and worthy friends, together, with a pleasant (though discordant) Descant upon most English Proverbs and others [by John Davies]

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True Britaines to their Prince.

Vnto the highst we are enforc'd to giue
Numbers of Names his Nature so to show;
But all come short of that we do beleeue
Is due to Him for whome all Natures flowe.
So thou his Image, whome a God he stiles,
(That giues no name that Nature doth reiect)
We name by diuers kingly names, the whiles
Thy nature farre surmounts them in effect.
And if the minde doth shew her rightest face
In glasses of the eyes (as some auouche)
Then is thy greatnesse lesser then thy grace,
Though to thy Greatnesse greatest Peeres do crouche:
Then greatest Branch of Highnes highest Tree,
Thou being our Prince, we must great Britaines bee.