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  • Sardanapalus, King of Nineveh and Assyria, etc.
  • Arbaces, the Mede who aspired to the Throne.
  • Beleses, a Chaldean and Soothsayer.
  • Salemenes, the King's Brother-in-Law.
  • Altada, an Assyrian Officer of the Palace.
  • Pania.
  • Zames.
  • Sfero.
  • Balea.


  • Zarina, the Queen.
  • Myrrha, an Ionian female Slave, and the Favourite Mistress of Sardanapalus.
  • Women composing the Harem of Sardanapalus, Guards, Attendants, Chaldean Priests, Medes, etc., etc.

    Speakers' names have been abbreviated in this text. The abbreviations for major speakers are as follows:

    • For Sar. read Sardanapalus
    • For Sal. read Salemenes
    • For Myr. read Myrrha
    • For Pan. read Pania
    • For Bel. read Beleses
    • For Arb. read Arbaces
    • For Zam. read Zames
    • For Alt. read Altada
    • For Sfe. read Sfero
    • For Zar. read Zarina

Scene.—A Hall in the Royal Palace of Nineveh.