University of Virginia Library


[Father, Thy most benign intent]

God sending His own Son in the likeness, &c. —viii. 3, 4.

Father, Thy most benign intent
With warmest gratitude we own,
Thou hast in human likeness sent
Thy Son, for all our sins to' atone,
Sinless, yet like His brethren made,
He died a victim in our stead.
He died, that sin in us might die,
Condemn'd, when Jesus breathed His last:
Sin in the flesh we now defy;
Its guilt and tyranny are past;
And dying of its mortal wound,
It soon shall be no longer found.
The righteousness Thy law requires
Shall then be all in us fulfill'd,


Who now renounce our own desires,
And to Thy Spirit's motions yield;
And following our celestial Guide,
Go on, till wholly sanctified.
In us the full obedience true,
Which Jesus for His people wrought,
Shall be by Him perform'd anew,
While saints in deed, and word, and thought,
Fill'd with the triune God, we prove
The righteousness of perfect love.