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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
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4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. L.

The Argument.

Here is reproued: the sacrifice,
of Iewes for foolishe trust:
And taught here is: wyth sad aduise,
that thankes be yet more iust.

Deus deorum Dominus.


The God of Gods: the lord of myght,
one God in persons three:
He bidth and calth: the earth in sight
from East to West to see.


Thys God appeard: from Zyon hill,
as God of beauty most:
From whence he would: should spring his wil
and law to euery coast.


Our God is come: in tyme of grace,
he wyll no silence keepe:
Wyth wastyng fire: before hys face,
about hym tempest deepe.



The heauen aboue: the earth below,
he doth vpon them call:
Hys people all: to iudge and know,
to helpe them that be thrall.


Collect ye now: my sayntes sayth he,
in one, before my sight:
Who stand in leage: and pact wyth me,
by sacrifices ryte.


The heauens shall sprede: hys iustice cleare,
that all the world may spy:
That God himselfe: wyll iudge appeare,
the good from bad to try.



My people heare: for thus I say,
thy selfe to wytnesse iust:
O Israell: thy God alway,
thy God I am to trust.


For sacrifice: or burnt incence,
I wyll not thee reproue:
To blame therin: thy negligence,
to send them me aboue.


From out thy house: I wyll not craue,
Bull, Bullocke, Oxe, or calfe:
Of thy folde els: he goates to haue,
to ioy of theyr behalfe.


The beastes that grase: the wood so wyde,
they be all myne at wyll:
On thousand hyls: the beastes that stryde,
I made them thee to fill.



On mouataynes foules: that vse theyr flyght,
I know them all and some:
Wylde beastes of field: be nye my sight,
as made for my renoume.


If hungers stresse: though myght I fele,
I would not tell it thee:
The world all whole: euen euery dele,
is myne and all ye see.


And thinkst thou thus: so grosse in wit,
that I buls flesh would eate?
Or bloud of Goates: to drynke of it,
as bloud to spill were sweete?


Na this it is: that I allow,
to God aye offer thankes:
And pay to God: of lyfe thy vow,
and seeke none other crankes.


In all thy wo: call thou on mee,
when troubles thee do thrust:
I wil (no fayle) deliuer thee,
thus shalt thou prayse me iust.


But God thus chect: vngodly man,
what meanst to preach my lawes?
My pact in mouth: why takest thou than,
where lyfe hath wycked sawes.


To be correct: by discipline,
thou hatest to heare the worde:
So thou doost cast: at backe of thyne,
my law of sweete recorde.


When thefe thou spiest: wyth him thou goest,
to part the spoyle in hast:
Who wedlocke breake: with them thou boast,
thy lot wyth them is cast.



To cursed speche: thy tonge thou dightst,
to clout all crafty guile:
The iust thou wringst: the bad thou quytest,
by lawes pretense and style.


Thou sitst as iudge: thy brothers name,
by sleit to ouer runne:
Thou quarell pikst: in crafty frame,
agaynst thy mothers sonne.


Whyle thus thou doost: I sayeng nought,
thou iudgest me nought lyke thee:
But yet I shall: what thou hast wrought,
detect before thyne eye.


O ponder this: I do you pray,
all you that God forget:
Lest I in hast: plucke you away,
in wo to see you set.


Who offer me: the sacrifice,
of thankes he honorth mee:
And thys the way: wherby I vyse,
Gods helth to let hym see.