University of Virginia Library



We've sported through many a day,
With friends that seem'd constant and fair;
But the moment the sun pass'd away,
We found what mere shadows they were:
As long as the gold lay unfray'd,
Their coin all detection defied;
But how seldom the gilding hath stay'd,
When misfortune its value hath tried!
Never mind—it's no use to be vex'd,
We'll be wiser in choosing the next.
We've travell'd life's desolate coast,
Whilst sorrow on sorrow increas'd;
Denied—where expecting the most;
And help'd where our claims were the least:


Oh! often we've cried, would that men,
Deceiv'd by impressions, could know
That though gilded again and again,
Nought can alter the baseness below!
Never mind—it's no use to be vex'd;
We'll be wiser in choosing the next!