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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.” —Proverbs, xi. 24.

If here instruction we may trace,
Applied to outward wealth,
Not less it teaches us of grace,
And of the spirit's health;
There is that scattereth—but to gain,
There is that hoardeth—but in vain.
The single talent's humble worth
If us'd—its meed had gain'd;
The ten—if buried in the earth,
No blessing had obtain'd:—
In goods without, in grace within,
The liberal truest riches win.


Love's is a social law! and they
Who thus themselves bereave,
Fling not the Spirit's gifts away,
But—giving, shall receive:—
Their bread upon the waters cast
Shall all return to them at last.
They shall be render'd rich above,
Surpassing worldly pelf,
In their dear Lord's atoning love,
Who freely gave himself!
Who, rich and sinless, came to share
Our poverty, our sins to bear.
Nobly hath He exemplified
True wealth's unbounded store,
Which is increas'd when scatter'd wide,
And us'd—abounds the more,
When in the riches of His grace supreme
He gave His life to ransom and redeem.