University of Virginia Library



The angels on th' eternal thrones
In ecstacies of song conspire,
And mingle their seraphic tones
With words of wisdom, words of fire;
Discourse so subtle and so sweet
That should it strike on human ear,
That soul must leave its base retreat,
Attracted to a loftier sphere.
So the sad Spirits, whom the will
Of God exiles to outer pain,
Yearning in their dark bosoms still
For all their pride might most disdain,
Round the serene celestial halls
Hover in agonised suspense,
To catch the slightest sound that falls,
The faintest breeze that murmurs thence.
But holy instinct strikes a sting
Into each pure angelic breast,
The moment any sinful thing
Approaches its religious rest;


And when their meteor darts are hurled
Th' audacious listeners to surprise,
'Tis said by mortals in their world,
That Stars are falling in the Skies.