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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 58.
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HYMN 58.

[He's come, he's come, the Throne is set]

Act. 10. 42. He that was ordained of God to be the Judge of the quick and Dead.

He's come, he's come, the Throne is set,
The Trumpets sound aloud,
Behold the thousands at his feet,
O see the mighty crowd.
Great is this day, great is the throng,
Millions of millions stand;
And all that thought this day was long,
They are on his Right-hand:
But O the millions, millions who
Are on his Left-hand plac'd,
Ah, see how they now tremble do!
How wan, and how pale-fac'd
They now appear! Ah, now they see
Their folly, but too late!
They now with grief tormented be
To see their woful state!
The Trumpet sounds exceeding high,
The Cherubs clap their wings;
O hear the Saints melodiously
With all the Angels sing!


But hark, the Books are called for!
Ah, Christ is on the Throne!
The wicked now how do they cry!
O hark how they do groan!