University of Virginia Library

His barouns he haþ of-sent:
Ouer alle his lond þai ben y-went,
Þat þai schuld to þemperour wende.
To hem he seyd, ‘mi leue frende,
Ich wold sende to the soudan,
Ȝif ich wist euer bi wham.
To him to sende ich am in wille,
Wiþ him to acord loude oþer stille,


Ȝif ani of ȝou so hardi were,
Þat to him þe message bere.’
When þemperour had seyd his resoun,
Þer nas noiþer kniȝt no baroun
Þat him a word answerd þo:
Nas þer non þe message durst do.
A baroun of þe benche aros:
Sir Tristor his name was.