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When John Chrysostom banisht were, his Flock
Tooke it so heavily and wore the Lock
He hung upon their hearts that they withhold
Communion and else where do enfold.
The East and Western Churches do Contend
To see this SILVER MOUTH stopt in the end.
At Alexandria the Place appears
In choosing of a bishop, by the Eares
Some are for Timothy, for Cyrill some
Who by the Souldiers to the throne doth come.
Too long it is to amble through or wade
Those dirty sloughs proud Prelates quarrells made
How Nestory at Ephesus deposd
Cyrill and Memnon whom they thus first nosde
Constantinople reecks in fumes and blood
At Alexandria they raise much mud.
How Peters Chair at Rome begins to Crack
By two plump Popes that croud in't bum and back
Welface and Weltongue, Boniface a lurch
And Eulaly, indeed oh Romish Church.


How that Proteria's Deacons Peter Mog
And vile Tim AElurus fell in hells bog
Would not partake with him but AElurus
By Priests eject and hereticks most flush
Was bishopizde and in the night like hob
Went unto severall Monks as sent from God
And Angell them to charge not to partake
With Protery but Tim their bishop make
How Tims Disciples Alexandria in
Came and took Protery i'th'Temple bring
And butcher up drag 'bout the Citys street
Burn then his body and his Ashes sweep
And scatter in the Winds. How Egypts Monks
Do snarle at Peter. How Rome's bishop frumps
Acacius Constantinoples head
Because his hand from Peter was not led,
And did not stick him to depose, thus lurcht
Rome then Constantinople's Church unchurcht
And thus Gods Patience drilld in glory runs
With beams that do beblinde ten thousand suns.