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XIII. Epitaph, On Henry the fourth, surnam'd the Great, King of France.

Stay Traveller, see Honours fraile decay,
Then passe, and wash with teares thy further way,
Seek not in Sols whole round a nobler Tombe.
A Greater King ne'r laid in lesser Roome.
No Death ere drew more Rivers from swoln eyes,
No Funerall broke the aire with sadder cries.
Pallas was so shar'd in him 'twere a bold word
To say which sharpest was his wit or sword.
These drops o'r all the blubber'd marble spread
Are Pearl like Teares, Griefs gems, to crown him dead,
Weep too, lest thou be'st harder than these stones;
Then passing say, (in broken sounds and grones)
Although a Bruter hand rob'd him of Breath,
France own'd a Cæsar in brave Deeds and Death.