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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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AMOUR. 33.
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AMOUR. 33.

Whilst thus mine eyes doe surfet with delight,
My wofull hart imprisond in my breast,
Wishing to be trans-formd into my sight,
To looke on her by whom mine eyes are blest.
But whilst mine eyes thus greedily doe gaze,
Behold, their objects over-soone depart,
And treading in thys never-ending maze,
Wish now to be trans-formd into my hart.
My hart surcharg'd with thoughts, sighes in abundance raise,
My eyes made dim with lookes, poure down a flood of tears,
And whilst my hart and eye, envy each others praise,
My dying lookes and thoughts are peiz'd in equall feares.
And thus whilst sighes and teares together doe contende,
Each one of these, doth ayde unto the other lende.