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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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To my honored Cozen P: Cr: Esqr. an Affectionate Invitation

If Flesh and Blood, or Prudee's name could charme,
You might appear at Beswicke; but I'le arme
You with more preiudice then you suspect.
Our Feilds are barren; three daies, full erect,
(Pardon the word) in Expectation
T' have seene you here; the purest Distillation
Our villages are proud of, is broke through
The double Limbecke; and ther's none for you.
Tom, if you Laugh, Ime angrie; to appease
That Furie, let me meet you, where you please;
I hope our Lockinton may yet produce
Some thriftie Chimist's Store; something of Iuice
Which (though not Spirrit) may a Spirrit raise.
You know in diverse Men, how manie waies;
In mee, noe fire, can mount, beyond that Sphere
I place my best freinds in; and you are there:
This hastilie, from Dear Cozen: G. D.
Februaij: 26: 1646.