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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 68. Exurgat Deus.

Ad Præstantem, Davidis, Psalmus Cantici.


Let God arise, and (disarai'd)
his scattred foes give place:
And let his haters all dismai'd,
flie from before his face.


Driven, as the smoake before the wind,
as waxe, at fire, doth melt;
So perish let the wicked kind,
Gods awefull presence felt.


But let the Just in him rejoyce,
before Gods face expresse
Their joy of heart, with gladsome voice
shout out their joyes excesse.


Sing, sing to God, his Name on hye,
that rides through Deserts, raise:
Make JAH'S Name way, and joyfully
before his face sing praise.


The Father of the fatherlesse,
Judge of the widowes crie
Is God, whose Throne of Holinesse,
whose Mansion is on hie.


God into housholds doth dispose
the solitarie Cell:
The prisoners lock't in chaines sets loose,
in drought lets Rebells dwell.


O God, when through the Desert-sands,
thou went'st before thy flockes;
And taught'st their clay-worne feet and hands,
to climbe Arabian rockes.



Earth shooke, Heav'ns swet, Mount Sinai fell,
and shrunke, to give God place:


When God, the God of Israel,
shew'd forth his face: His face!


Thou shedd'st, O God, a gracious Raine,
and thine Inheritance,
Long languishing in thirsty paine,
thy deawes did re-advance.


Therein the Congregation dwelt,
this coast thy creatures shar'd:
Thus hath (O God) thy goodnesse dealt,
thus for the poore prepar'd.


The Lord gave word, by women spread,
through that great Army they
Sung, “Kings, with Armies fled; they fled,
The House-Dove shar'd the prey.


Your beauty, though the pots have spilt,
where (sooty) ye have line:
With silver wings, neckes parcell-gilt,
your Dove-like plumes shall shine.


When God Almighty gave the blow,
where Kings confounded fell:
Our Sion, shady-Tsalmons snow,
for whitenesse did excell.


Gods Mountaine, as Mount Basan stands,
Mount Basan, fertile, hie:
Whose crest, so many crests commands,
to Sion comes not nie.


Insulting Hills, so high, so great,
this Mountaine God loves well:
The Lord desires to make his seat,
for ever here to dwell.


Myriads of Angels; Mighty Names,
Gods Chariots, Millions fill;
In them the Lord, as Sinai's flames,
on Sions holy Hill.



Thou art ascended up on hie,
above the fiery heaven;
Hast captive led captivitie,
and gifts in man hast given.
With them (the more ingratefull they,
that faithlesse did rebell;
And but compell'd, would not obey)
that thou Lord God mightst dwell.


The Lord be blest, throughout our land,
whose boundlesse mynes of wealth,
With bounty daily load our hand,
the God, our saving health.



God our salvations is become,
our God, that gives us breath,
Eternall is, the Lord, to whom
the issues are of death.


Sure, God will smite his haters heads,
and wound the hairie skull
Of him, that life ungodly leads,
and sinne on sinne doth pull.


The Lord said, I will bring againe,
from Basans slaughtred King;
Thee, from the gulfes amid the Maine,
againe, my people, bring.


Deep in the bloud of Tyrants shed,
thy trampling foot to staine;
And of thy dogs the tongue die red,
where all thy foes lie slaine.


What triumphs thee, O God, did bring,
they saw it face to face;
Thy goings, O my God, my King,
within thy holy place.


Before went singers, afte they
on Instruments that plai'd;


Among them Damsels held their way,
that hand on Timbrell laid.


In thine assembly let not thankes
from God the Lord depart:
O Fountaine, clos'd in Israels bankes,
from fountaine of thy heart.


There, little Benjamin set hie,
with Judahs Royall race;
Of Zebulun, and Nephthali,
the Princes crown'd the place.


Strength from his strength forth-issuing,
thy Gods command hath brought;
Establish thou, O God, the thing,
that thou for us hast wrought.


And for Jerusalems deare sake,
and for thy Temple there;
To thee shall Kings their homage make,
and humbly presents beare.


Rebuke the wild beasts of the reed,
the Bulls incursions barre:
Whose calves on silver fragments feed,
disperse the friends of warre.


Sultans shall from Canôpus come,
Cush, from Cassumo's Sunne,
To God, on glad Ambassage home,
with hands out-stretch't shall runne.


To God, on earth ye Kingdomes nie,
to God like praises bring;
In Psalmes sing to the Lord Most-Hie,
your highest praises sing.



To him that on the Heavens doth ride,
the Heav'ns that were of old;
Loe, what he is, his voice hath tri'd,
a voice of strength hath told.



To God give strength, that doth excell,
from whom all strengths arise:
Whose glory over Israel,
whose strength is in the skies.


How dreadfull is, O God, thy sight,
thy Sanctuaries tell:
Blesse God, that gives his people might,
the God of Israel.