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The Shorter Poems of Ralph Knevet

A Critical Edition by Amy M. Charles

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SCEN. 5.

Martagon, Cynosbatus.
Within the precincts of this grove Poneria dwels,
Here nightly she hath co[n] venticles
With her wise spirits; see how the trees are carv'd
With Magicall mysterious characters,
See how the fiery fiends with their frequent resort have
Scorch'd the leaves, and chang'd the
Merry livery of the spring into a mournfull hue.
Behold the grasse dyde with the swarthy gore
Of some great sacrifice, that late was offer'd up
To the infernall powers.

The blacke aspect of this strange uncouth place
Doth make my heart to quake.

Within a vault hewne from the stony bowels,
Of yon high precipicious rocke she dwels.
Cheere up (Cynosbatus) and come away,
Let's to her Cell, and Ile shew thee the way.
