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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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A Sonnet.

[I plaid with Loue, Loue plaid with me againe]

I plaid with Loue, Loue plaid with me againe,
I mocked him, but I was mockt in deede,
He would not let my hart his art exceede:
For (though a Boy) yet mocks he doth disdaine.
A friend he is to those, that doe not faine:
My iestes (it seemes) doe true affection breede:
And now, if Loue is not reuenged with speede,
My hart can witnes that with earnest paine.
Goe louers then to iest it out apace
With this God Cupid but a boy, and blinde,
And you shall see, if it be good or noe?
Thinking to haue delight, you shall haue woe,
Seeking cold water, fire you shall finde,
Who plaies with boies, comes often to disgrace.