Comoedia A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?] |
The XI. Chapter.
Comoedia | ||
Cogitacions.Oh/that we haue liued thus ; in Euell; all this space:
Wheare shall we now becom, in this miserable Calamyte?
Turne your Hearts cleane about, in penitent Humilitee/
Yea, turne them now, to God the Lorde, perpetuall
For the same shall rightly, reioyce you at the Hart.
Beleeue also the Trueth/and set it not apart:
To thend ye may becom, a New reformed Creature/
Through Iesus Christ, as Gods very Figure.
See that you haue thissame, alwayes before your Eyes.
Take you heede of all false Inticements, likewyse/
Which, a false Opinion, in you forth do bring.
Haue regarde vnto the worde, be not Weakned in that thing.
And ; in all your Knowledg; be likewyse humble and meeke.
Beholde/theare haue you the Lawe, and the Prophets [illeg.]eke/
Which do teach and direct you, to the Waye of Trueth aright:
The Gospell doth testify, to you the Cleernes bright,
Which God ; to such as Loue Him; hath promysed for to giue.
Thus behaue you vprightly, and in this good State now liue.
For we wil go-on our Iorney, as our Waye doth vs gyde
The XI. Chapter.
Comoedia | ||