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Beloved one, beloved one,
When in thine eye I see
Thy look of placid tenderness
So fondly turned on me,
My heart rebounds with sudden joy,
Its sorrows are forgot;
And all unmarked the clouds that now
Have gathered o'er my lot.
Beloved one, beloved one,
When on thy glowing cheek
I see a pleasant smile again,
Of cheerful fancies speak,
Methinks I hear Hope's siren voice;
She whispers that the hour


Will come at length when peace may shed
O'er both her pitying power.
Beloved one, beloved one,
Whene'er thy soft caress
Is proffered in the gentle hour
Of tranquil tenderness,
My heart o'erflows with grateful joy;
Love's pent-up streams once more
O'er all my life's swift fading flowers,
Their dews of freshness pour.