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Virginia, 1492-1892

a brief review of the discovery of the continent of North America, with a history of the executives of the colony and of the commonwealth of Virginia in two parts

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By the Grand Assembly.
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By the Grand Assembly.

These are in the name of his Highnesse the Lord Protector to will and
require you not to act orr execute any warrant, precept or command
directed to you from any other power or person then the Speaker of this
hon'ble. House, whose commands you are hereby required to obey and not
to decline therefrom vntill further order from vs the Burgesses of this


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present Grand Assembly, hereof faile not as you will answer the contrary
at your perill. Given 2d. Apr. 58.

John Smith, Speak'r.

Directed to Capt. Robert Ellison, High Sheriff of James City County and
Serjeant at Armes for this present Grand Assembly.

It is ordered, That whereas the supreame power of this country of
Virginia is by this Grand Assembly declared to be resident in the Burgesses,
the representatives of the people, That in referrence and obedience
thereto Coll. William Claiborne, late secretarie of state, forthwith surrender
and deliver the records of the country into the hands of the
Speaker of this present Grand Assembly.

Coll. Claiborne being sent for by the sergeant at armes, there was
drawen vp the next ensueing order.

Whereas it hath been ordered by this present Grand Assembly, That
Coll. William Claiborne late secretarie of state should deliver, vppon oath,
all the records concerning this country of Virginia or any perticular member
thereof vnto this Grand Assembly, These are to impower & authorize
Coll. John Carter and Mr. Warham Horsmenden to receive the same in
the name and behalfe of the aforsaid Grand Assembly, and for such
records as they shall receive to give the said Coll. Claiborne a full receipt
and discharge.