University of Virginia Library


History B1: Ancient and Medieval History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3
session-hours. Should be taken first by all students intending to choose History
as their major subject, and, in fact, by all who wish to have a real understanding
of modern History.)

Professor Dabney.

History B2: Modern European History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.
May be taken by first-year students.)

Associate Professor Barr.

History B3: General American History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.
Not open to first-year students.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History B4: General English History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.
Not open to first-year students.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History C1: Moral, Religious, Intellectual and Social Development of
Two B courses prerequisite.

Professor Dabney.

History C2: The Revolutionary Epoch and the Evolution of Jeffersonian
Two B courses, including B3, prerequisite.—American History,
1763-1815. (Offered in 1931-32.)

Professor Malone.

History C3: Sectionalism and Sectional Conflict: Two B courses, including
B3, prerequisite.
—American History, 1815-1877.

Professor Malone.

History C4: Contemporary American History: Two B courses, including
B3, prerequisite.
—1877 to the Present. (Offered in 1930-31.)

Professor Malone.

History C5: The French Revolution: Two B courses, including B2, prerequisite.

Associate Professor Barr.

History C6: Napoleon: Two B courses, including B2, prerequisite.—(Offered
in 1930-31.

Associate Professor Barr.

History C7: The Italian Risorgimento: Two B courses, including B2,
—(Offered in 1931-32.)

Associate Professor Barr.


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History C8: The Expansion of England: Two B courses, including B4,
—(Offered in 1930-31.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History C9: Medieval England: Two B courses, including B4, prerequisite.

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History D1: Seminar in Jeffersonian Democracy: Hours by appointment.

Professor Malone.

History D2: Seminar in the History of the South: (Offered in 1930-31.)

Professor Malone.

History D3: Seminar in American Social and Intellectual History: (Offered
in 1931-32.

Professor Malone.