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Professor Humphreys.

Mr. McLemore.

Required for Admission to the School: The General Entrance

This school comprises the following courses:

For Undergraduates.

Students may enter any of the undergraduate courses at the
beginning of any term and will receive credit for the course on
completing the work of the subsequent term or terms.

Course A1: For beginners. Text-Books: White's First Greek
Book; Xenophon's Anabasis. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9-10,
Cabell Hall. Mr. McLemore.

Course A2: Course A1 or its equivalent prerequisite.—A course
of easy Attic Prose. Xenophon's Memorabilia, Plato's Apology and
Crito, Dion Chrysostomos (Hunters of Euboea). Grammar and
Exercises. (B. A. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday, 10-11, Cabell Hall. Professor Humphreys, Mr. McLemore.

Course B1: Course A2 or its equivalent prerequisite.—Attic Prose,
a play of Euripides, Homer. Exercises, Syntax, History (B. A. credit,


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3 session-hours). Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Cabell Hall, 11-12,
Professor Humphreys.

Course B2: Course B1 or its equivalent prerequisite.—Attic Prose,
a play of Sophocles, Grammar, Exercises, History of Greek Literature.
(B. A. credit, 3 session-hours.) Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
10-11, Cabell Hall, Professor Humphreys.

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Course C1: Courses B1 and B2 prerequisite.—Attic Prose, Aeschylus,
Aristophanes, Lyric Poets, Exercises, advanced Syntax, Meters.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12-1, Cabell Hall, Professor

Special Course: Students who are Ministers of the Gospel or
Candidates for the Ministry may take a course in the New Testament
in lieu of course B2, and if they have completed courses B1
and B2 they may take in lieu of course C the same New Testament
course with additional work in classical Greek for private study.

Primarily for Graduates.

This course is adapted to the wants and desires of those who
wish to prosecute the study of Greek beyond course C, especially
for those seeking the degree of Ph. D.

For summer-school courses in Greek on which college-credit
will be allowed, see p. 258.