University of Virginia Library


A Woman ‘clothèd with the sun,’
Yet fleeing from the Dragon's rage!
The strife in Eden-bowers begun
Swells upward to the latest age.
That Woman's Son is throned on high;
The angelic hosts before Him bend:
The sceptre of His empery
Subdues the worlds from end to end.
Yet still the sword goes through her heart
For still on earth His Church survives:
In her that Woman holds a part:
In her she suffers, and she strives.
Around her head the stars are set;
A dying moon beneath her wanes:
By Death hath Death been slain: and yet
The Power accurst awhile remains.


Break up, strong Earth, thy stony floors
And snatch to penal caverns dun
That Dragon from the pit that wars
Against the Woman and her Son!

Rev. xii. 1.

‘And her Child was caught up unto God, and to His Throne’ (Apoc. xiv. 5).