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[A picture of my life I view]

All hope that we should be saved was then, &c. —xxvii. 20.

A picture of my life I view,
And sensibly perceive it true,
By long temptations toss'd,
With rocks and shoals and whirlpools near,
My soul, my shipwreck'd soul, I fear
Will be for ever lost.
In a dark world I wander on,
No joyous all-enlivening sun
My gloomy sorrow cheers,
Throughout the melancholy night,
To guide me by its friendly light,
No glittering star appears.


My latest hope alas is o'er;
I cannot reach that heavenly shore,
The gusts of passion rise
So fierce, so high the billows roll,
And on this long afflicted soul
So huge a tempest lies.
Bear as ye list, ye whirlwinds bear!
A wretch o'erwhelm'd with just despair,
O'erwhelm me with the wave
Unless the God of love unknown,
Will, for the honour of His Son,
Miraculously save.