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[May not a creating God]

Why should it be thought a thing incredible, &c. —xxvi. 8.

May not a creating God,
Who built this house of clay,
Re-inspire the breathless clod,
In His appointed day?
From the dust He form'd us man,
And shall we circumscribe His power?
Doubtless the Almighty can
Our moulder'd dust restore.
He who breathed into our earth
The breath of life Divine,
By a new celestial birth
Can God and sinners join;
Will a quickening Spirit become,
Our souls extinct again to raise,
Call'd out of our nature's tomb,
To live the life of grace.
Dead in sins and trespasses,
Jesus His people saves:
Lord, by faith we Thee confess,
The opener of our graves;
Joyfully the pledge receive
Of blissful immortality,


Sure our bodies too shall live
For ever one with Thee.