University of Virginia Library


When was it that in act began
That Condescension from on high
Consummated in God made Man,
Its shrine for all eternity?
'Twas when the Eternal Father spake,
The Eternal Son in act replied:
When sudden forth from darkness brake
The new-shaped worlds on every side.


Instant that All-Creative Power
A meek, sustaining Power became,
A Ministration hour by hour
From death preserving Nature's frame.
Instant into Creation's breast
Nor merged nor mixed He passed, and gave
Continuance to the quivering guest
That else had found at birth its grave.
In finite mansions He, the Immense,
In service reigning, made abode,
Bore up—a Law, a Providence—
The weight of worlds, ‘His people's load.’
He came once more—not then to reign;
In servant's form to serve, and die
The ‘Lamb before the ages slain,’
‘The Woman's Seed’ of prophecy.