A sorrowfull Sonet vpon the death of Walter, late Erle of Essex.
Primrose cheef of princely peeres,
the Starre of Englande bright:
The Prince of perfect pietie,
the Diamonde of delight.
O dogged Death by direfull darte,
from Englande thou hast refte:
Our sollace thou hast tane awaie,
and vs in sorrowe lefte.
We lothe to liue, and yet we loue
to liue, alone for this:
That we maie waile this worthies want,
whom we so sore doe misse.
Ah farewell Erle moste excellent,
for thee doeth Englande weepe:
The Prince, the peeres, the people shreke,
in Death to see thee sleepe.
Thy corps is clapt in cloddes of claie,
thy soule is soard on hye:
With sainctes aboue the clusteryng cloudes
to pearche perpetually.
Post cineres, virtus viuere sola facit.