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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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ACCOUNTS, examination of by auditor, approved by committee
and council, method of payment 
ALDERMEN, see Councilmen. 
ALLEYS, private, to be kept clean  205 
Animals when dead from infectious diseases, how disposed
Animals with contagious diseases shall not be allowed on
streets, etc. 
Birds, unlawful to kill  586 
Bitches in heat  583 
Cruelty to animals, penalty, etc.  585 
Dangerous animals, unlawful to be at large  578 
Dead animals to be carried out of city  587 
Dead animals, etc., shall not be placed in streets  588 
Dogs, how licensed, impounding, redemption, etc.  582 
Dogs, mayor may require confinement of  584 
Domestic animals, unlawful to be at large  579 
Exhibition of stallion or jack  591 
Feeding in streets prohibited  199 
Hogs, unlawful to keep in city, exceptions  580 
Hydrophobia, dogs to be confined or muzzled  584 
Selling, trading or speeding in streets  196 
Sheep, unlawful to keep in city  581 
Additional expenditure beyond annual appropriation  20 
For outside highways, etc.  18 
Granting aid to various associations, objects, etc.  21 
How made  17 
Increasing city's indebtedness, etc.  22 
By commissioner of revenue  66 
Erroneous assessments, how corrected  73 
List to be furnished to commissioner, refusal  72 
Omitted property, how assessed  68 
[References are to Sections
AUCTION SALES in streets prohibited  197 
Annual settlement with treasurer  113 
Compensation  116 
Delinquent tax list, delivery of to constable  98 
Delinquent tax tickets, examination of, credit for, allowed
the treasurer 
Duty relative to city contracts  124 
Duty with reference to bills for laying sidewalks, etc.  154 
Election and term  104 
Examination of claims  110 
General duties  105, 116 
Member of sinking fund commission  117 
Method of keeping accounts  106 
Pay day  112 
Publication of monthly disbursements and annual report  114 
Reports, annual estimates, etc.  109 
Reports, quarterly, what to contain  108 
Salary of city officers, how paid  111 
Secretary of sinking fund, annual report to council  122 
Secretary of sinking fund commission  115, 118 
Supervision over other fiscal officers of city  107 
Warrants, how and when drawn  110 
AUTOMOBILES, regulations as to  176 
AWNINGS, regulations as to construction  181 
BARB WIRE FENCES unlawful to build along streets  207 
BAR-ROOMS, regulations of  292 
BICYCLES, regulations concerning  176 
BILLIARD SALOONS, POOL ROOMS, etc., regulations of  288 
BIRDS, unlawful to kill in city  586 
Additional physicians in case of severe epidemic  349 
Births and deaths, record of, how kept  337 
Composition, organization, etc.  336 
Infected houses  342 
Injurious, fruit, fish, etc.  339 
Inspection of watershed and reservoir  345 
Inspection of streets, premises, etc.  343 
Monthly and annual reports  338 
President of board, his duties  337 
Physicians to make monthly report  348 
Quarantine  341 
Removal of garbage, trash, etc.  346 
Removal of sick  340 
Sanitary policeman  344 
Street commissioner and foreman, responsibility to board  347 
Supervisory duties over sanitary laws  350 
Character of surety  44 
Failure to give vacates office  44 
Official, amount to be given  44 
Official, cost of to be at expense of city  44 
Of plumbers  554 
BRIDGES, rate of speed on  202 
BUILDINGS, regulations as to erection of along sidewalks  160 
CATTLE, see Animals in City. 
CELLAR DOORS, how constructed and repaired  162 
Burial of paupers  399 
Charges for keeping sections in order  400 
Fees for digging graves  402 
Keeper, election, term and salary  394 
Keeper, financial reports, etc.  404 
Keeper, powers and duties  395 
Keeper to give bond  404 
Quarterly reports to be made by chairman of committee  405 
Record of burial permits, etc.  401 
River View Cemetery  406 
Sections, deed to  397 
Sections, laying off, mapping and selling  396 
Sections, to whom sold  398 
Trespass  403 
CESS POOLS, regulations concerning  368 
Assistant manager  315 
Duty and authority of manager and assistant  316 
Establishment and control of  312 
Manager of  314 
Rules and regulations  318 
Shall work under directions of mayor  317 
Who liable to work in  313 
fund commission 
CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT, see Fire Department. 
CHIEF OF POLICE, see Police. 
Duties  59, 60 
Election and qualification  58 
Salary and allowances  61 
Awarded, how, notice to auditor  124 
Bond required of contractor  125 
Execution of, how filed  126 
Officers of city not to be interested in, penalty  128 
Performance of contract, how secured  125 
When to be executed  127 
Annual report  144 
Building permits, issue of, record of  141 
Election, term and duties  129 
Employees, teams, tools, etc., duty and authority of city
engineer concerning 
Encroachments on streets, to take notice of  139 
Furniture, books, etc., to be supplied by city  130 
Inspection of buildings for business purposes  142 
Inspection of telephone, telegraph and other poles  143 
Interest in contract forbidden  138 
Map of culverts and sewers, his duty to make and keep  134 
Map of gas mains, his duty to make and keep  136 
Map of streets, his duty to make and keep  133 
Map of water mains, his duty to make and keep  135 
Plans, estimates, repairs, etc., general supervision  132 
Report to council monthly, particulars of work  140 
Survey, building lines and grades, fee for same  137 
Vacancy in office, who to perform duties  145 
CITY FUNDS to put on certificate to credit of city, how withdrawn  85 
Books and records, custody of  334 
Charity patients, may remand to hospital  334 
Duties  334 
Election, term and compensation  333 
Examine and approve drug and hospital bills  334 
Examine specimens of milk  334 
Examine tramps or persons under arrest  334 
Inspection of public schools of city  334 
Inspection of slaughter houses  334 
Visit and attend charity patients  334 
Visit dairies  334 
Corporate seal of city  35 
Custodian of  36 
Certify ordinances and resolutions to mayor  15 
Copies of petitions, etc., to be furnished committees and
other city officers 
Docket of petitions  33 
Election, term and duties  30 
Furnish mayor copy of every ordinance or resolution  32 
Furnish president of council with memorandum of unfinished
Furnish treasurer and auditor with copy of appropriations  32 
General ordinance book  31 
Journal of proceedings  31 
Names of special committees to be furnished  32 
Name of councilmen not to be entered until certificate of
oath is filed 
Notify persons elected to positions by council  32 
Notify persons who may have presented petitions, etc., of
action of the council 
Notify president of council of veto  32 
Ordinances, how numbered  34 
Vetoed ordinances and resolutions, duty relative thereto  25 
COAL HOLES AND AREAS in sidewalks, construction of  162 to 165 
COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL, how appointed  12 
Assessment of new buildings  69 
Assessment of repairs and additions  70 
Books and papers to be delivered to successor, penalty  65 
Compensation and fees  74 
Duties and powers  77 
Duties as to assessment of taxes  63 
Deputy of, how appointed and approved  64 
Erroneous assessments, release from  73 
Exempt property  75 
False entries by, penalty  72 
Land and personal property books, how prepared, when and
to whom delivered 
Official bond, how given and filed  44, 62 
Omitted property, how corrected  68 
Penalty for failure to have books ready  66 
Plumbers license, how and to whom issued  555 
Reduction on assessment on injured or destroyed buildings  71 
Term, qualification, vacancy, how filled  62 
Transfers upon land books  67 
CONSTABLE, delinquent taxes, collection of, settlement for  98 
CONTAGIOUS DISEASES  341, 342, 351 to 357 
Absence of quorum, how quorum secured  10 
Adoption of ordinances and resolutions  15 
Adjournment in case of no quorum  10 
Amendment to motions must be relevant  cl. 14, 29 
Appeals from decision of chair  cl. 3, 29 
Appropriation, to various associations, etc.  21 
Appropriations for outside highways  18 
Appropriations, how made  17 
Blanks in ordinances, etc., how filled  cl. 22, 29 
Calendar of unfinished business  cl. 34, 29 
Chief of police to act as sargeant-at-arms  225 
Claims against the city, when and how acted on, refund of
taxes, etc. 
cl. 32, 29 
Committees quarterly and annual reports  cl. 31, 29 
Committees of council, how appointed  12 
Committees not provided for, how appointed  cl. 2, 29 
Committees, list of to be appointed  12 
Committees, mayor shall have power to convene  cl. 29, 29 
Committees, meeting of, chairman, how called, quorum  cl. 29, 29 
Committees, meeting of chairman, how called, quorum  cl. 29, 29 
Committees, report of to be made in writing  cl. 30, 29 
Committees, when and on what matters to report  cl. 28, 29 
Composition of, qualification of members 
Communication to be in writing  cl. 12, 29 
Compensation of members 
Creating debts for longer period than 4 months  19 
Debts for longer period than four months, how created  19 
Dissent on any matter, how recorded  cl. 26, 29 
Disqualification for voting  26 
Disqualification of members for certain offices 
Elections, method of procedure  27 
Election of officers and their duties  11 
Franchises, how disposed of  23 
General ordinances to be read twice before passing—reading,
when dispensed with 
cl. 15, 29 
General ordinances to be referred to committee and go over
until next meeting, when dispensed with 
cl. 16, 29 
Granting aid to various associations, etc.  21 
Increasing city's indebtedness, motion to reconsider  22 
Indebtedness of city, increasing of motion to reconsider  22 
Majority vote to govern unless otherwise provided  cl. 23, 29 
Meetings, monthly, when held 
Meeting shall be open  13 
Meetings, when secret  13 
Meetings, special, what business may be transacted 
Members, conduct in addressing body  cl. 6, 29 
Members, conduct while sitting  cl. 10, 29 
Members, failing to vote  26 
Members, how called to order  cl. 9, 29 
Members, not to withdraw without leave  cl. 5, 29 
Members, number and length of speeches  cl. 8, 29 
Members, order of recognition by president  cl. 7, 29 
Members not to vote when personally or pecuniarily interested,
in other cases to vote unless excused 
cl. 24, 29 
Motion, order of procedure thereon  cl. 19, 29 
Motion to adjourn, when in order  cl. 20, 29 
Motion to reconsider  cl. 27, 29 
Motions or propositions to be in writing  cl. 13, 29 
Motions, when may be withdrawn  cl. 13, 29 
Oath of office, how and when taken 
Oath of office, certificate to be filed with clerk 
Order of business  cl. 35, 29 
Ordinances appropriating money, imposing taxes, etc.  17 
Ordinances appropriating money for outside highways  18 
Ordinances, their reference and passage  16 
Ordinances increasing city's indebtedness, motion to reconsider  22 
Ordinances not to be amended unless whole section re-ordained  16 
Ordinances to be suspended or repealed only by ordinance  16 
Ordinances to be referred to committee and go over until
next meeting, exceptions 
cl. 16, 29 
Ordinances to be read twice before passing, when reading
may be dispensed with 
cl. 15, 29 
Ordinances and resolutions, action by mayor  24 
Ordinances and resolution, how adopted  15 
Ordinances and resolutions, style of  cl. 18, 29 
Ordinances and resolutions, when effective  24 
Organization, time of meeting for 
Parliamentary rules  cl. 1, 29 
Permission of non-members to address council  cl. 11, 29 
President, election and term  11 
President to enforce rules, etc.  cl. 2, 29 
President to state questions of order and declare result of
cl. 4, 29 
Previous question, how put  cl. 21, 29 
Public franchises and property, disposition of  23 
Punishment of members 
Questions of order, how decided  cl. 3, 29 
Quorum, how secured  10 
Reconsideration of vote 
Record of proceedings  13 
Rules for construction of statutes  cl. 33, 29 
Rules of order, suspension of, etc.  29 
Rules of procedure  14 
Secret meetings, when held  13 
Special meetings, how called 
Special meetings, what business may be transacted 
Special order of business  cl. 35, 29 
Standing committees, how appointed  12 
Term and compensation 
Vacancies, how filled, term of office 
Veto of mayor, procedure thereupon by council  25 
Vice-president, election and duties  11 
Vote of majority to govern unless otherwise provided  cl. 23 29 
Voting, members failing to vote to be entered in journal  26 
Voting, members not to vote when personally or pecuniarily
cl. 24, 29 
Voting, when members are disqualified for  26 
Witnesses before council and committees, how attendance
Yea and nay vote, how demanded  cl. 25, 29 
COUNCILMEN, oath of office, certificate to be filed with clerk 
CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, penalty, etc.  585 
DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, penalty  281 
DANCE HALLS, regulation of  296 
DANGEROUS ANIMALS, unlawful to be at large  578 
DANGEROUS STRUCTURES, condemnation of, removal or
DEAD ANIMALS shall not be placed in streets  588 
DEAD ANIMALS shall be carried out of city  587 
DEATH CERTIFICATES, by whom and when to be furnished,
necessary for, regulations concerning 
380 et seq. 
DELINQUENT TAXES, see Treasurer. 
DOGS, how licensed, impounding, redemption, etc.  582 
DOGS, mayor may require confinement of  584 
DRAINAGE from lots, gutters and spouts  169 
DRIVING, regulations as to; right of way  201 
DRUNKENNESS, how punished  261 
ENCROACHMENTS ON STREETS, how removed  160, 161 
EPIDEMICS, how controlled  341 
EXCAVATIONS along sidewalks  204 
EXCAVATIONS IN STREETS to be reported to fire department  211 
EXPLOSIVES, storage, sale and transportation  331, 332 
Collection and use of  609 
Failure to pay fine, imprisonment  610 
Fines, how and when paid to informer  611 
When not provided for, how imposed  612 
FIREARMS, discharging of in city  298 
Annual report and inventory  567 
Assistant chief, his duties and powers  558 
Chief, his duties and powers  558 
Chief to familiarize himself with premises where explosives
are stored 
Control and supervision  556 
Election of officers, confirmation by council  557 
Eligibility of persons as chief or assistant  559 
Fire company  557 
Fire hose on street  565 
Foreman of fire house, his duties  560 
Monthly report of fires  566 
Oath of chief and assistant  559 
Obstructions to access to fire plugs  564 
Right of way in going to fires  562 
Streets occupied by department at work  563 
FIRE WORKS, shooting of prohibited in streets  330 
FISH, sale of, prohibited on sidewalks  192 
FISHING IN or shooting over reservoirs prohibited  444 
FRANCHISES, disposition of by council  23 
FUNDS OF THE CITY to be put on certificate of deposit, how
FUNERALS, regulations in case of contagion  385 
GAMING MACHINES, penalty for operating  307 
Agreement to be made with non-resident gas consumers  517 
Assistant superintendent, election, term and salary  504 
Assistant superintendent, to have two years experience  506 
Assistant superintendent, his duties and powers  533 
Assistant superintendent to act as superintendent in his
Bills for supplies, how approved and paid  511 
Bond of superintendent and assistant  44 
Books of record, how and by whom kept  512 
Coke, sale and report of  531 
Collection of delinquent bills  523 
Committee empowered to make further rules and regulations  550 
Complaint against gas bills  528 
Connection for gas fitters  536 
Connection for non-resident gas takers  517 
Curb stone stop cock boxes  540 
Deposits may be required, when  524 
Free gas  551 
Gas fitters not to allow use of name by others  537 
Gas to be supplied by meters  518 
General control and government by committee  502 
Idle meters  520 
Injury to meters and fixtures, penalty  541 
Interference with or removal of meters or fixtures  525 
Loss of gas at fires to be protected  529 
Map of mains  514 
Meters to be kept in good repair by superintendent  527 
Meters and fixtures, examination of  530 
Meters, when expense of repairs, etc., to be borne by consumers  526 
Obstructions  549 
Pay rolls, how made out, approved and paid  509 
Permit for piping houses  544 
Permit to disconnect or open for alteration or repairs  543 
Prepayment meters  519 
Price of gas  522 
Reading of meters  521 
Record of curb cocks and meters in use  515 
Repairs to services to be made at expense of city  539 
Reports, annual, when and how made  503, 513 
Reports, monthly  512 
Reports, quarterly  513 
Right of access to premises for purposes of examination  547 
Services, setting of meters and repairs in streets to be at expense
of city 
Size of pipes and number of burners  546 
Superintendent's books, etc., to be delivered to successor  552 
Duties and powers  507 
Election, term and salary  504 
Employment and control of help  508 
Examination before election as superintendent  505 
Furnish city engineer information for making map of
gas mains 
Gas inspector  535 
To purchase materials, tools, etc.  510 
Report open ditches in streets to fire dep't  211 
Tar, sale and report of  532 
Tenants to give one day's notice of intention to move  516 
Test of work to be made when completed  545 
Turning on or using gas without authority  548 
Unauthorized additions to pipes and fixtures and the introduction
of gas therein, penalty, etc. 
GARBAGE and other refuse matter, its removal, etc.  187, 188 
GATES AND DOORS, on sidewalks, to open inward  172 
GOODS, exhibition of on sidewalk  178f 
HAND BILLS, POSTERS, etc., regulation as to  209 
HITCHING POSTS, regulations concerning  178d 
HOGS, unlawful to keep in city, exceptions  580 
HOTEL AND BOARDING HOUSES, protection of  310 
HOUSE NUMBERS, how established, penalty for removal  150, 151 
HOUSES, how numbered  149 
HOUSES OF ILL FAME, penalty for keeping  271-2-3-4-5 
HYDROPHOBIA, dogs to be confined or muzzled  584 
IMPRISONMENT, failure to pay fine  610 
JAMAICA GINGER, regulation of sale  311 
LEVY FOR CITY PURPOSES to be made annually  76 
LICENSES TO BE IMPOSED ANNUALLY by special ordinance  76 
LIVERY STABLES, use of abutting streets by  178e 
MANURE, regulations concerning  373 
Annual and other reports  52 
Appointment of special police  222 
Control of police force  221 
Custodian of city seal  36 
Duties and powers  48 
Duty relative to chain gang  317 
Duties as member of sinking fund commission  118, 123 
General duties  54 
Insurance of city property  57 
Official bond  44 
Ordinances or resolutions presented to him, his action, his
failure to act 
Powers to appoint special police, to report same to council  56 
President of sinking fund commission  118 
Prohibit certain theatrical performances  51 
Quarantine, duty relative thereto  341 
Removal from office for malfeasance, etc.  53 
Salary may not be increased or decreased during term  45 
Supervisory duties  50 
Suspension or removal of subordinate officers  49 
Vacancy, temporary or permanent, how filled  55 
MERRY-GO-ROUNDS, etc., order at, location, etc.  265 
MIDWIVES, regulations concerning  389, 390 
Births and deaths, form for registration  392 
Births and deaths, how registered  391 
Births, report of by physicians, etc.  390 
Births without attendance of physician, etc., how reported  390 
Births and deaths, registration of  380 
Blanks for returns, how furnished  393 
Burial of bodies dying of contagion  385 
Burial permits  382 
Death certificates  381 
Dead bodies, retention or exposure of  384 
Death of persons unattended by physician, how reported  387 
Permit for removal of dead bodies beyond city limits  383 
Physicians and midwives to register  389 
Sexton of cemeteries, duty of  386 
Still-born child  388 
OBSCENE BOOKS, PICTURES, etc., penalty for circulating  270 
OFFENSES AND PENALTIES, see Peace, Good Order and
Annual reports must be made to council in writing  46 
Compensation, when withheld  38 
Oath of office, how taken, effect of failure to take  41 
Official bond, surety, condition, failure to give, where filed  44 
Pay of suspended officers  42 
Receipts for all city property received to be filed with
Removal for malfeasance, etc.  40 
Salaries not to be increased or diminished during term  45 
Salaries to be fixed by council  45 
Substitute may be appointed by officers, etc.  39 
Terms of service  37 
Vacancies, how filled  37 
Vacations of certain city officers  43 
OFFICIAL BONDS, amount, surety, etc.  44 
OPEN DITCHES IN STREETS to be reported to fire department  211 
Action by mayor, proceedings upon veto  24, 25 
Appropriating money, etc.  17, 18, 19 
Adoption, method of procedure, etc.  15 
Not to be amended, suspended or repealed unless whole
section is re-ordained 
Permanent ordinances, how numbered  34 
ORDINANCE BOOK, provision for keeping  31 
Aid to destitute non-residents  575 
Burial of paupers  577 
Committee may remand certain cases to county poor house  571 
Committee on poor to have general control of public charities  571 
Non-resident paupers coming into the city  574 
Overseer of poor, his election, term and salary  572 
Overseer of poor, general duties  573 
Quarterly reports  576 
PAUPERS, burial of  399 
PAUPERS, see Overseer of Poor. 
PAVING, how removed and replaced  155 
PAY-DAY, city auditor to fix  112 
PAY-ROLLS, how paid  111 
Abusive and profane language  299 
Adultery and fornication  276 
Advertisements, defacing of  309 
Assault and battery  300 
Ball-playing on streets  263 
Bar-rooms, regulations of  292 
Billiard and pool rooms, minors not to frequent  287 
Billiard saloons, regulation of  288 
Circus exhibitions  264 
Cock fighting  266 
Concealed weapons  297 
Craps  308 
Curfew law  294 
Dance halls, regulation of  296 
Dangerous missiles  262 
Defacing advertisements  309 
Discharging fire arms  298 
Disguises in public  301 
Disorderly conduct  260 
Disturbing public worship  283 
Disturbing public assemblages  285 
Drunkenness on streets  261 
False fire alarms  279 
Fences, penalty for pulling down  305 
Fighting dogs or other animals  269 
Flying kites on streets  263 
Gambling houses  306 
Gambling or betting in pool rooms  288 
Gaming tables, etc.  307 
Gates, penalty for leaving open  305 
Hotels and boarding houses, protection of  310 
Houses of ill-fame, property used for  272 
Houses of ill-fame, renting or leasing of houses for  271 
Houses of ill-fame, keeping of  273 
Houses of ill-fame, keeper or inmates of on streets  275 
Houses of ill-fame, frequenting of  274 
Immitating police whistles  278 
Indecent books, pictures, statuary, etc.  270 
Indecent exposure, language and proposal  268 
Informants to receive one-half of fine imposed for unlawful
sale of intoxicating beverages 
Injuring shade trees and property  281 
Intoxicating liquors in poolrooms, etc., prohibited  288 
Intoxicating beverages prohibited  291 
Jamaica ginger, regulation of sale  311 
Larceny, petit  304 
Lewd persons, street-walkers, etc.  277 
Lounging on church steps, etc.  284 
Merry-go-rounds, etc., order at, location of, etc.  265 
Minors, sale of dangerous weapons to  289 
Minors, sale of intoxicating liquors to  290 
Minors, sale of tobacco to  289 
Minors, frequenting billiard saloons, pool rooms, etc.  287 
Paupers, vagrants and dangerous persons  295 
Petit larceny  304 
Prize fighting  267 
Pupils of female or public schools, interference with  286 
Resistance of officials, etc.  280 
Riot, rout, assault and battery  300 
Signs and advertisements, posting without authority  281 
Slot machines  307 
Store or shop, keeping open on Sunday  282 
Street walkers, lewd persons, etc.  277 
Students, sale of intoxicating liquor to  290 
Threatening messages  302 
Trespass on private or public property  303 
Unlawful sale of intoxicating beverages, informant to receive
half of fine 
Vagrants, etc.  295 
Violations of the Sabbath  282 
PHYSICIANS, monthly report of to health officer  348 
Board of examiners, how composed  553 
Certificate to be issued to those passing examination  553 
Chairman of board  553 
Commissioner of revenue to issue license, when  555 
Examination of plumbers and gas fitters  554 
Examination, when held  553 
Plumbers' bond, how and when given, by whom filed  554 
Registry fee  554 
Appeals from decision of superintendent  500 
Approval or condemnation of work  467 
Back-venting water closets  476 
Bath tubs  498 
Closets, what kind permitted  484 
Closets, what kind prohibited  483 
Closet vents  486 
Connection of more than one building to same sewer prohibited  472 
Connection of soil pipe and fixtures  474 
Drains, connection with public sewer  472 
Fittings, what kind allowed  471 
House drains  470 
Inspection of roughing-in  469 
Inspection of work  466 
Inspector of plumbing  465 
Lead bends and traps  491 
Location of traps  478 
Openings not in use, how closed  495 
Penalties for violation of plumbing ordinances  501 
Permits, unlawful use of  499 
Plumbers permit necessary  468 
Replacing old fixtures with new  477 
Solder nipples  493 
Sinks and tubs  489 
Sinks when not necessary to vent  497 
Size of waste and vent pipes  479 
Steam exhausts, etc.  496 
Stop and waste cocks  482 
Superintendent to keep record of permits issued  468 
Supply pipes, material and quality  481 
Terra cotta pipes, quality, etc.  473 
Testing of plumbing system  494 
Traps, arrangement of  490 
Traps to kitchen sink  488 
Traps to fixtures  492 
Vent pipes, regulations  475 
Vent pipes, when and how used  485 
Vent pipe terminals  487 
Waste pipes from refrigerators  480 
POLES, telegraph and telephone, how placed, shall be painted  178a 
Absence from duty, etc.  236 
Acquaintance with streets, property and persons  243 
Appointment of special police  222 
Attendance and obedience of orders  235 
Bad and suspicious characters, to keep watch of  244 
Badges, how to be worn  259 
Bail, by whom granted  228 
Book or diary to be kept by privates  259 
Chief of police head of force  224 
Chief of police, his duties  224 
Chief of police, his books of record  224 
Chief of police, to act as sergeant-at-arms of council  225 
Chief of police, his absence or sickness  226 
Chief of police, collection of fines and monthly settlements  227 
Chief of police, to keep council chamber in order  225 
Chief of police, to give notice to members of council of
Chief of police, duties when charges are filed against privates  224 
Conduct towards offenders and prisoners  245 
Control of by mayor  220 
Deportment on duty  248 
Doors and entrances to houses to be reported when open  253 
Dress on duty, badge, etc.  238 
Duty in plain clothes  254 
Election and term  219 
Firemen to be called  255 
Furlough  223 
General duties  234 
Hours of duty  257 
Inspection of doors, windows, etc.  242 
Intoxicating liquors at station house prohibited  246 
Lieutenant, appointment and term  229 
Lieutenant, his duties  230 
Lieutenant, time of service  231 
Lieutenant, shall visit beats  232 
Lieutenant, to inspect policemen at roll-call  233 
Lights not burning to be reported  253 
Name and number, when to be given  251 
Nuisances to be properly reported  253 
Oath of office  221 
Powers of police  221 
Presents, fees, etc.  239 
Revenue laws, violation of to be reported  256 
Rules and regulations, must be familiar with  252 
Shall not leave his beat  250 
Sleeping on beat or other neglect of duty  237 
Smoking on duty prohibited, exceptions  247 
Special police, how appointed  56, 222 
Stolen property, how reported  240 
Uniforms, how furnished, style of  259 
Uniforms, when to be worn  258 
Use of intoxicants and entering certain houses  246 
Vehicles at night, to take notice of  249 
Vigilance required  241 
Violation of ordinances, offenders and witnesses to be reported  253 
Alderman can act in case of inability  215 
Appeals from his decision  214 
Election, term and duties  212 
Jurisdiction and powers  213 
Removal from office, how and for what cause  217 
Report of fines and penalties monthly to treasurer  216 
Salary  45, 218 
Terms of court  215 
Vacancy, how supplied and too eligible  215 
PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL, member of sinking fund commission  117 
PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL, to act as mayor in case of vacancy  55 
PRIVIES, regulation as to erection of  367 to 370 
PUBLIC PROPERTY, disposition of by council  23 
PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES, election, term, duties and annual
568, 569, 570 
PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES, clerk of school board to make
annual report to council 
Bon fires in streets  329 
Building permits, when and how secured  320 
Buildings within the fire limits  321 
Burning trash, etc., in streets, prohibited  329 
Combustibles, storage and sale of  331, 332 
Dangerous buildings, chimneys and stove pipes  326 
Dangerous wires  328 
Defective roofs and chimneys  325 
Explosives, storage, sale and transportation of  331 
Fire escapes  324 
Fire limits  319 
Fire works, shooting of  330 
Gasoline, benzine, etc., storage and sale of  332 
Removal of wooden structures within the fire limits  323 
Trash and like materials to be packed in boxes for removal
by scavenger carts 
Wooden structures within the fire limits  322 
QUARANTINE, power of mayor to establish  341 
QUORUM, number necessary, reconsideration of votes 
Breaks and fenders to be used on street cars  603 
Cars not to be impeded, right of way  600 
Cars to be numbered  604 
Flagmen to be stationed at points designated by council  596 
Flagmen to be appointed special policemen  597 
Jumping on or off moving cars  607 
Loitering or trespassing upon tracks or platform  599 
Motormen and conductors to be special policemen  605 
Motormen to warn drivers and pedestrians  601 
Placing of obstructions on tracks  593 
Regulations when fire alarm is sounded  602 
Riding on running board or steps of summer cars prohibited  608 
Ringing of bell or gong  595 
Riding or driving in front of moving trains  598 
Smoking on street cars  606 
Speed of cars  592 
Spitting in street cars  606 
Street cars to be disinfected  360 
Whistles not to be sounded in city, exceptions  594 
RELIGIOUS WORSHIP, disturbance of  263 
Auditor, quarterly and annual reports of  108, 109 
Board of Health, monthly and annual reports  338 
Cemeteries, keeper's weekly report to committee  404 
Cemeteries, quarterly report of by committee  405 
City Engineer, monthly and annual reports of  140, 144 
Committees of Council, quarterly and annual reports  cl. 31, 29 
Fire Department, annual report and inventory  567 
Fire Department, chief to make monthly report of fires  566 
Gas Department, monthly, quarterly and annual reports  503, 512, 513 
Mayor, annual and other reports  52 
Mortuary and vital reports  380 to 393 
Officers of city, annual and other reports to be in writing  46 
Overseer of Poor, quarterly reports of  576 
Physicians to make monthly report to health officer  348 
Police Department, chief's monthly reports  227 
Police Justice, monthly report of fines to treasurer  216 
Public School Trustees, annual report to council  570 
Publication of treasurer's quarterly reports  83 
Sinking Fund Commissioners, annual report  122 
Treasurer, report to council  82 
Water and Sewers Department, quarterly and annual reports  408, 416 
RESERVOIRS, fishing in or shooting over prohibited  444 
REVENUES, how raised  76 
SALARIES OF OFFICERS to be fixed by council  45 
Barber shops, regulation and control  374 
Board of health to have supervision over, etc.  350 
Bringing contagion into city  356 
Cellars to be cleaned and limed annually  371 
Contagious diseases, quarantine of  353 
Contagious and infectious diseases, duty of occupants of
Cow stables, dairies, etc.  363 
Discharge of water from bath tubs, etc.  361 
Disinfecting street cars  360 
Disobedience of sanitary orders of mayor or board of health  359 
Dogs and cats, confinement of  355 
Entering premises under quarantine  354 
Food exposed for sale, protection of  378 
Garbage, slops, etc., on streets  362 
Hands, utensils, etc., in stores, dairies, etc., to be kept clean  376 
Infectious diseases, physicians to report to board of health  352 
Laundries, registration of  379 
Manure, keeping and disposal of  373 
Marshy ground and stagnant water  358 
Milk, regulation and sale of in city  363a 
Privies, location of  370 
Privies, earth closets, etc.  367 
Privies, etc., when to be cleaned  369 
Scavenger carts, outside cleaning  372 
Slaughter houses prohibited in city  365 
Slaughter houses, regulation of  366 
Stables, care of  373 
Stock pens  364 
Stores, cafes, etc., to be screened  377 
Stores, stalls, etc., to be kept in cleanly condition  375 
Vaccination of public school children  357 
Vaults, cess pools and sinks, regulation of  368 
SCHOOLS, appropriations for  570 
SCHOOLS, trustees of  568, 569 
SEAL OF CITY  35, 36 
Connections, how permission for secured  456 
Connections, how made  455 
Construction by the city  454 
Designation of main and lateral sewers  453 
Drainage of injurious matter through prohibited  459 
House sewers, how connected  457 
House sewers, how laid  460 
Pipes, injury to  458 
Pipes, material and size of  461 
Pipes, stoppage of  462 
Sewer connections board  464 
Violation of sewer ordinances, penalty  463 
SHADE TREES, planting of, hitching to and injury to  179, 180, 281 
SHEEP, unlawful to keep in city  581 
SIDEWALKS, see Streets and Sidewalks. 
SIGNS, regulations as to posting, etc.  177, 209, 281 
Appropriation by council, how paid over  120 
Annual report by officers  122 
Commissioners of, officers of  117 
Disbursements, how made  123 
How applied to payment of city bonds maturing  121 
President and secretary  118 
Purchase of bonds and use of fund  121 
Treasurer of fund  119 
SNOW, removal of, etc., from sidewalk  171 
STORE OR SHOP, keeping open on Sunday  282 
STALLION OR JACK, unlawful to exhibit in streets  591 
Auction sales in streets prohibited  197 
Automombiles and bicycles to be supplied with lamps, speed,
Awnings, how constructed  181 
Backing up wagons to sidewalks  200 
Barb wire fences  207 
Barriers on streets, penalty for interference with  184 
Barriers, when to be erected  183 
Bicycles and automobiles to be supplied with lamps, speed,
Cellars and areas  162 
Cellar doors, how constructed and repaired  162 
Cellar, vault and coal hole openings to be kept closed  164, 165 
City employees, tools, animals, etc., in charge of whom  157 
Coal to be cleaned off sidewalks when handled over same  166 
Coal holes, how constructed  163 
Coal holes, cellar and vault, defective covers  167 
Coasting, snowballing, etc., prohibited  191 
Coasting on Vinegar Hill prohibited  210 
Corners of streets, how designated  152 
Corner stones and posts  158 
Drainage from lots, gutters and spouts  169 
Drippings from house eves and gutters  168 
Drumming on street  206 
Earth embankments abutting on sidewalks, barriers to be
Encroachment on line of street, etc.  160 
Encroachment on streets, how removed  161 
Erection of buildings along streets, use of streets for material,
protection to pedestrians 
Erection of buildings along sidewalks  160 
Excavations on private lots abutting sidewalks  204 
Excavations in streets and alleys, permit required, penalty  155 
Exhibition of goods by merchants on sidewalks  178f 
Exposed water pipes, report to water department  156 
Fast riding or driving  203 
Feeding in the streets  199 
Fish-sale of on sidewalk prohibited  192 
Fruit peels and slippery articles not to be thrown upon
Gates and doors abutting on street line  172 
General provisions concerning  152 
Hand bills, unlawful to affix except by tacks, etc.  209 
Hauling earth, garbage, sand, etc., over streets  188 
Hitching to shade trees, lamp posts, etc.  180 
Horse racks or hitching posts, regulation of  178d 
Horses or vehicles on pavements prohibited  174 
Hubs and monuments marking the corporate boundary  159 
Loafing and loitering on streets  194 
Obstruction of streets  178 
Obstructions in street drains and culverts, how removed  182 
Open ditches in streets to be reported to fire department  211 
Permit required for excavating in streets and alleys, penalty  155 
Political flag poles, processions and drilling in streets  195 
Private alleys, grading of  205 
Rate of speed on bridges  202 
Rate of speed on streets  203 
Refuse matter and garbage, its removal  187 
Removing pavement, permit for required, penalty  155 
Right of way on streets  201 
Sale of fish on sidewalk prohibited  192 
Sale of oysters, fruit, etc., on streets  192 
Selling, trading or speeding animals on streets  196 
Shade trees, planting of, etc., removal of  179 
Sidewalk crossings  173 
Sidewalks, abutting property owners to keep same clean  186 
Sidewalks, application for how made  154 
Sidewalks, laying and paving of how ordered  154 
Sidewalks, order of council for construction of  154 
Sidewalks, width of  152 
Signs and ornaments on streets  177 
Snow breaks, requirement of on houses  170 
Snow, sleet and ice, removal of  171 
Speed of automobiles and bicycles on streets  176 
Spitting on sidewalks, in cars, etc.  190 
Stopping travel on streets in case of sickness  184 
Stopping travel on streets for repairs  184 
Streets, numbering and naming of  148 
Teams, unattended on streets, penalty  198 
Traction or other heavy engines prohibited on main street  208 
Trash, etc., how disposed of, removal by city  187 
Trash, etc., not to be thrown in streets, penalty  187 
Trucks, etc., on pavements  175 
Unattended teams, animals, etc., on streets  198 
Unlawful assemblages in streets or elsewhere  193 
Use of sidewalk by merchants in loading and unloading  178c 
Use of streets by keepers of livery stables  178e 
Vaults and coal holes, how constructed  163 
SUNDAY, sale of goods on, exception  282 
Assessment of new buildings, repairs, etc.  69, 70 
Collection of  86 
Delinquent taxes  90, 94 
Erroneous assessment, relief from  73 
Levy for to be made annually  76 
License taxes to be imposed annually  76 
Omitted property, how assessed  68, 88 
Payable by whom  97 
Tickets for, how made and receipted  89 
When to commence  96 
When due and payable, liens  96 
What property exempt  75 
TEAMS AND ANIMALS unattended on streets  198 
Bond of  44 
Books of, how to be kept  79 
Books and accounts, inspection, delivery to successor  81 
Books, etc., to be examined by finance committee  83 
Collection of taxes, fines, etc.  86 
Compensation  103 
Constable, when collector of delinquent taxes  98 
Custodian of bonds, etc., belonging to sinking fund  119 
Custodian of bonds, notes, etc.  84 
Delinquent tax lists, examination of, settlement with auditor  93 
Delinquent personal property, how listed and posted  91, 92 
Delinquent personal property taxes, by whom collected  98 
Delinquent real estate, how advertised and sold  94 
Delinquent taxes, list of, how made  91 
Deputy treasurer, right to levy  87 
Deputy treasurer, rights and powers  87 
Deputy treasurer, appointment and approval  86 
Disbursements by treasurer, how made  80 
Dog tags, treasurer to supply  102 
Duties and office  78 
Employees receiving weekly salary to be paid by treasurer  111 
False returns by treasurer, penalty  95 
Gas and water bills, how collected  99 
Gas and water bills delinquent, list of to be furnished superintendents,
Interest on bonds to be paid without warrant  80 
Levy and sale of delinquent property  90 
Licenses unpaid to be reported to mayor  101 
Member of sinking fund commission  117 
Monies to be deposited in bank  85 
Omitted property, how listed and reported  88 
Report unpaid licenses to mayor  101 
Reports by  82 
Reports, publication of  83 
Right to levy  87 
Salaries and wages, when withheld  100 
Tax tickets, how made and receipted  89 
Taxes, when to commence  96 
Taxes, when due and payable, liens  96 
Taxes, payable by whom  97 
THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES, how and when prohibited  51 
VAGRANTS, etc  295 
VITAL STATISTICS, see Mortuary Reports and Vital Statistics. 
WARDS, names and boundaries  146 
WARDS, precincts in  147 
WARRANTS, by whom drawn and approved  110, 111 
Annual reports, when and how made  408 
Application for water, how made  417 
Bills, how approved and paid  414 
Bills for water, when to be in hands of auditor  436 
Bills for water, treasurer to give notice to consumers when
Bills for water, when payable  433 
Bills for water, when and to whom payable  434 
Charges for water, how computed  422 
Connections, size of  418 
Connection, when turned on  419 
Control and government by committee  407 
Erroneous charges, how corrected  435 
Fishing in reservoirs prohibited  444 
Fraudulent use of water, penalty  428, 429 
Hand hose, use of  427 
Hunting on water shed and reservoirs prohibited  444 
Injuries to water works, reservoirs, etc  444 
Inspection of fixtures by officials  438 
Mains and service pipes, how authorized  407 
Meters, where used  426 
Non-resident water takers  439 
Non-residents, when water furnished to  449 
Penalties for violations of provisions of this chapter  448 
Police powers of superintendent  445 
Police and sanitary officers to give information of waste  446 
Private hydrants, location  425 
Rates, annual  451 
Rates, by meter  452 
Rates, how assessed  432 
Rates, how fixed  431 
Rates, how fixed when not provided for by ordinance  450 
Steam boilers using city water  447 
Books of record  415 
Duties and powers  410 
Election, term, bond and compensation  409 
Employment and control of help  411 
Furnish information to city engineer in making map of
Has powers of police  445 
Keep map of mains  440 
Pay rolls  412 
Report open ditches in streets to fire department  211 
Reports, quarterly and annual  416 
To make purchases, etc  413 
Two or more premises supplied by same tap, charges for  442 
Unauthorized persons turning on and off water  443 
Use of another's hydrant, regulation  423 
Waste of water, penalty  441 
Water for building purposes, how secured  430 
Water, for what period furnished  421 
Water, how furnished to non-residents  449 
Water mains, where laid  424 
Water shed at reservoir, how protected from injurious
Water works, etc., injuries to  444 
Wrongful connections  420 
WATER CLOSETS, see Plumbing. 
WEAPONS, concealed, carrying of prohibited  297