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Rejected theories

The theories I combat are these: (1) that all is matter; (2) that matter originates in Mind, and is as real as Mind, possessing intelligence and life. The first theory, that matter is everything, is quite as


reasonable as the second, that Mind and matter coexist and cooperate. One only of the following statements can be true: (1) that everything is matter; (2) that every- thing is Mind. Which one is it?

Matter and Mind are opposites. One is contrary to the other in its very nature and essence; hence both can- not be real. If one is real, the other must be unreal. Only by understanding that there is but one power, - not two powers, matter and Mind, - are scientific and logical conclusions reached. Few deny the hypothesis that in- telligence, apart from man and matter, governs the uni- verse; and it is generally admitted that this intelligence is the eternal Mind or divine principle, Love.