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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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“Two Mysteries freely confest by the sages of Science we find:—
Through the visible Universe clearly an ‘Energy’ works like a Mind;
For the grasp of the Senses too fine: never known but with Atoms combined;
Never caused by these Atoms—for how can dead Matter originate Force?
And how linked with the Universe ever a Mystery dark as its source.—
Through the brain of Mankind works an ‘Energy’—Thought call it—Consciousness—Will;
Never known but when joined with brain-atoms; itself imperceptible still;
Never caused by these Atoms,—for how can mere Matter, though living—be Thought?
And how linked with the Brain such a secret, in vain is the clue to it sought.—
Are they kindred these ‘Energies’ then? and the last, what if simply 'twere true
'Tis a drop of its Ocean, the first, and as such indestructible too!
Why—of Matter one mightiest Mystagogue—vaunted of Theists a rod—
A candid and fearless fine creature whose only one bugbear was—‘God,’—


Whose disgust with dead Ghosts in the Sky made him blot out the sky for the sod—
Has recorded of this very ‘Thought’—in its Essence who deepliest delves
Must acknowledge it one and the same with the Essence of Things-in-Themselves
Of this Universe then! and 'tis clear that the happy result undesigned
Of his proving them both to be Matter—is proving them both to be Mind!
Soul-Energy then and the Cosmical—are they not both of one kind?—
Of ‘Omnipotent Will,’ say, but streamlets or filaments, ample or slight?
The immediate Effluence then of that Essence Divine, which aright
To reveal—though divinely bedimmed lest its naked transcendency smite
On perception too finite and feeble with splendour unbearably bright—
Is the use of this Garment of God—this Universe ever in sight?