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Lyrical Poems

By John Stuart Blackie

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What a sinful son of Adam
Should believe, and how,
In each heart 'tis graven, madam,
Read, and know it now.
'Tis a gospel old and new,
Tongues and tribes attest it true;
And who denies this creed
Is damned indeed!
Nothing comes from nothing truly;
God hath certainly
Wisely framed and ordered duly
All the things you see.


Look and learn, vain babbling spare,
Trace the true, and love the fair;
And who denies this creed
Is damned indeed!
Satan rules the air; this wisely
Doctors teach to spell,
But here or there, or where precisely,
Satan himself may tell.
Crush the fiend that lurks within,
Hydra-headed monster Sin;
And who denies this creed
Is damned indeed!
Learning is not wisdom; fainly
Doctors will dispute,
But plies on plies the million vainly
Vamp a mouldy boot.
Woo the breeze, court sunny skies,
Like a tree thy thought will rise;
And who denies this creed
Is damned indeed!
Whoso scatters words with sorrows
Sows an eager land;


Wing thy speech like cunning arrows,
Think with sword in hand.
Watch and wait in quiet snare,
Pluck, when it is ripe, the pear;
And who denies this creed
Is damned indeed!
Know your ground and keep your footing,
Battle not with air;
When you know what thing you're shooting,
Bravely do and dare.
Turn the screw and drive the wedge,
Every step the next will pledge;
And who denies this creed
Is damned indeed!
When you fall, remain not lying,
Luck has many ways;
Urge the hour, the chance be plying,
Death is in delays.
So Napoleon warred and won,
By strong will earth's topmost son;
And who denies this creed
Is damned indeed!


Greet the Devil when you fairly
Meet him in the face!
Scan him coolly o'er, and yarely
He will run and race.
Should he buckle for the fight,
Beat him quite, or die outright;
Whoso believes this creed
Is saved indeed!