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Black as an Ethiop with his sack and brush
A tiny boy came sauntering down the lane,
What time the young spring suns and dewy rain
Ope'd the fresh primrose buds: blithe as the thrush
That carolled lustily in yonder bush
He whistled, while the flowers he plucked amain;
Each like some gem of price to him was gain,—
Toil had not quenched his spirit's joyous gush.
“To the shorn lamb God tempereth the wind,”
Oh Nature, gentle Mother! Thou art kind
To all thy children—e'en thy abject ones
Bask in the sunshine of thy radiant smile,
Breathe thy rich odours, list thy soothing tones,
And life of half its weary load beguile.
1851. C. L.